Ansible: how to construct a variable from another variable and then fetch it's value


Ansible Problem Overview

Here is my problem I need to use one variable 'target_host' and then append '_host' to it's value to get another variable name whose value I need. If you look at my playbook. Task nbr 1,2,3 fetch the value of variable however nbr 4 is not able to do what I expect. Is there any other way to achieve the same in ansible?

    - name: "Play to for dynamic groups"
      hosts: local 
        - target_host: smtp
        - smtp_host:
        - name: testing
          debug: msg={{ target_host }}
        - name: testing
          debug: msg={{ smtp_host }}
        - name: testing
          debug: msg={{ target_host }}_host
        - name: testing
          debug: msg={{ {{ target_host }}_host }}


TASK: [testing] *************************************************************** 
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "smtp"

TASK: [testing] *************************************************************** 
ok: [] => {
    "msg": ""

TASK: [testing] *************************************************************** 
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "smtp_host"

TASK: [testing] *************************************************************** 
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "{{{{target_host}}_host}}"

Ansible Solutions

Solution 1 - Ansible

If you have a variable like

  myvar: xxx
  xxx_var: anothervalue```

the working Ansible syntax:

`- debug: msg={{ vars[myvar + '_var'] }}`

will give you the analogue of:

`- debug: msg={{ xxx_var }}`

Solution 2 - Ansible

This is possible as of Ansible 2.5 with the vars lookup plugin, which I think is less likely to break without warning than some of the other methods posted here. For example:

 - name: "Example of dynamic groups"
   hosts: localhost
     - target_host: smtp
     - smtp_host:
     - name: testing
       debug: msg={{ lookup('vars', target_host + '_host') }}


PLAY [Example of dynamic groups] **************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [testing] **************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": ""

Solution 3 - Ansible

You can use "hostvars" to pass the variable, host facts can be loaded from group vars or host vars > yml

- name: "Play to for dynamic groups"
  hosts: x0
    - target_host: smtp
    - set_fact: smtp_host=""
    - set_fact: host_var_name={{target_host}}_host
    - set_fact: dym_target_host={{hostvars[inventory_hostname][host_var_name]}}

    - name: testing
      debug: msg={{ target_host }}
    - name: testing
      debug: msg={{ smtp_host }}
    - name: testing
      debug: msg={{ target_host }}_host
    - name: testing
      debug: msg={{ dym_target_host }}

> output:

PLAY [Play to for dynamic groups] *********************************************

GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [x0]

TASK: [set_fact smtp_host=""] *************************************
ok: [x0]

TASK: [set_fact host_var_name=smtp_host] **************************************
ok: [x0]

TASK: [set_fact dym_target_host={{hostvars[inventory_hostname][host_var_name]}}] ***
ok: [x0]

TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************
ok: [x0] => {
    "msg": "smtp"

TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************
ok: [x0] => {
    "msg": ""

TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************
ok: [x0] => {
    "msg": "smtp_host"

TASK: [testing] ***************************************************************
ok: [x0] => {
    "msg": ""

PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
x0                         : ok=8    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

Solution 4 - Ansible

You need to put quotes around it:

- hosts: local
  vars: [ target_host: smtp ]
    debug: msg="{{ target_host }}_host"

-- edit --

> Kashyap I need to go one more level than this. Imagine there is > another variable 'smtp_host' and I want to construct that variable at > runtime using another variable(target_host) and attaching a string > '_host' to it. = {{ {{ target_host }}_host }} – Max

My bad. Didn't read carefully enough.

This (AFAIK) isn't possible. The primary limitation that stops us doing this (no matter how you spin it), is 'variable expansion' in ansible is a single pass process and what you want requires multiple-passes.

Only [seriously hacky] ways I can think of are:

  • Create the playbook dynamically from your playbook using template and execute it.
  • I heard that Jinja2 engine does multi-pass evaluation. May be if you put these strings in a template and then use the lookup('template', ...) filter. Unfortunately I have no experience with Jinja2 templates so not quite sure if this is even an option.

Solution 5 - Ansible

You have two ways to choose:

  1. General using.

    vars: - target_host: smtp - smtp: tasks: - name: testing debug: msg={{ target_host }} - name: testing debug: msg={{ smtp }} - name: testing debug: msg={{ vars[target_host] }}

  2. Using fact

    tasks: - set_fact: target_host=smtp - set_fact: - name: testing debug: msg={{ target_host }} - name: testing debug: msg={{ smtp }} - name: testing debug: msg={{hostvars[inventory_hostname][target_host]}}

Solution 6 - Ansible

I'm currently using the array-like syntax of Jinja 2. I don't think this is a great solution, but I've yet to find something better.

Let me give an example with one of my abstracted tasks. See my variable configuration and example task below:

# Variables file, available in the task context
    image: mynamespace/myappcontainer:snapshot
    image: nginx:latest
    image: mariadb:latest

# Example task
- name: Start containers
    name: "{{ item }}"
    image: "{{ containers[item].image }}"
    - app
    - web
    - db

In the above example I'm using the with_items Ansible loop, which runs the task for each item and makes the {{ item }} variable available accordingly.
This results in creating 3 Docker containers each with the proper container name based on the items list, and the proper image retrieved from the external variables I've configured.

Even though this example uses with_items, it is of course adaptable to your problem with use of your own variables.

Although this works perfectly fine in this situation, I'm afraid this requires the variables you'd like to access to be part of some parent variable (containers in this example). Therefore I'd recommend to split variables with a . to construct a hierarchy, and not with a _.

A variable like a.b.c where b is dynamic, would be accessible using a[b].c.
A variable like a.b where b is dynamic, would be accessible using a[b].

A solution you would use might look like (untested):

- name: "Play to for dynamic groups"
  hosts: local 
    - target: smtp
    - hosts:
    - name: testing
      debug: msg={{ hosts[target] }}

Note that the variables are configured slightly differently, because it's structure is hierarchical.

Solution 7 - Ansible

You can nest your lookups like so:

- hosts: local
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    target_host: smtp
    lookup_host: "{{ target_host }}_host"
    - debug: var="{{ lookup_host }}"

Solution 8 - Ansible

Seems to me you can just use the var option instead of msg:

  debug: var="{{ target_host }}_host"


TASK [testing] ********************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "smtp_host": ""

Solution 9 - Ansible

There are many answers above. It helped me a lot. But i have not found a single answer how to keep these variable in vars-> main.yml file. So you have to create a dictionary in vars-> main.yml file.

vars -> main.yml file

cassandra_version: 2.1.16
file_sha_cassandra: "apache-cassandra-{{ cassandra_version }}_sha256"
# Create Dictionary here
    apache-cassandra-2.1.16_sha256: "sha256: checksum_of_file"
    ##Add more variable

Now you have to call this in task -> main.yml file:

  - name: Down load Cassandra Binaries
       url: "file_url"
       dest: "{{ base_directory }}"
       checksum: "{{ cassandra[file_sha_cassandra] }}"
       timeout: 800

Solution 10 - Ansible

You can try global array var:


And use it to get value depending of another:

region_endpoint: "{{ regions[region].endpoint}}"

In your case:



region_endpoint: "{{ target_host[service].host}}"


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMaxView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - AnsibleNikita KazantsevView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - AnsibleedaemonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - AnsiblelichonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - AnsibleKashyapView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - AnsibleXinyuan.YanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - AnsibleTim ViséeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - AnsibleJ0hnG4ltView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - AnsibleJackView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - AnsibleAtul6.SinghView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - AnsibleRomain DEQUIDTView Answer on Stackoverflow