change sqlite file size after "DELETE FROM table"


Sqlite Problem Overview

I am working with sqlite3 file.

First, I entered relatively big database, file size was about 100 mb.

Than I made

$db->exec("DELETE FROM table");

and entered just a small part of that database. But file size remained 100 mb.

What should you do to change sqlite file size when deleting it's content?

Sqlite Solutions

Solution 1 - Sqlite

The command you are looking for is vacuum. There is also a pragma to turn auto-vacuuming on.

From the documentation:

> When an object (table, index, trigger, > or view) is dropped from the database, > it leaves behind empty space. This > empty space will be reused the next > time new information is added to the > database. But in the meantime, the > database file might be larger than > strictly necessary. Also, frequent > inserts, updates, and deletes can > cause the information in the database > to become fragmented - scrattered out > all across the database file rather > than clustered together in one place. > > The VACUUM command cleans the main > database by copying its contents to a > temporary database file and reloading > the original database file from the > copy. This eliminates free pages, > aligns table data to be contiguous, > and otherwise cleans up the database > file structure.

Solution 2 - Sqlite

You can do this

$db->exec("DELETE FROM table");

and the file size will be changed.

Solution 3 - Sqlite

Cleaning Databases SQLite has two commands designed for cleaning—reindex and vacuum.

reindex is used to rebuild indexes. It has two forms:

reindex collation_name;
reindex table_name|index_name;

vacuum has the form:



All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionQiaoView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - SqliteTrentView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - SqlitekylinkingView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - SqlitegfajardogView Answer on Stackoverflow