Circular Type References in TypeScript


Typescript Problem Overview

I am new to typescript and am trying to understand how I can setup a circular reference between two types. The reference need not be a full code reference, simply the interfaces, but with interfaces defined in separate files. For example, let's say I have two interfaces: Parent and Child. They are doubly-linked such that the parent has a collection of children and each child has a reference to the parent (as seen below). How do I setup the imports or dependencies so that these can be defined in separate files?

interface Parent {
  children: Child[]

interface Child {
  parent: Parent

Typescript Solutions

Solution 1 - Typescript

I also faced with the similar situation.

I could resolve by using import type.

Solution 2 - Typescript

Two solutions below. I prefer the latter since it offers clean interfacing with Node JS modules, but unfortunately my IDE doesn't (yet) like it as much as I do...

Use references

Create a definitions.d.ts file that will only contain the references to your classes/interfaces

/// <reference path="Parent.ts" />
/// <reference path="Child.ts" />

In Parent.ts and Child.ts, point to a single reference, the definitions.d.ts file

/// <reference path="definitions.d.ts" />

Use import...require

pass the --module commonjs flag to tsc then import what you require and export what you want to expose

In Parent.ts

 import Child = require('Child')

 interface Parent { 
     children: Child[]

 export = Parent

In Child.ts

 import Parent = require('Parent')
 interface Child {
     parent: Parent

 export = Child

Please note, that you do not specify the extension '.ts' in require

Solution 3 - Typescript

I have about 10 ts files , in a Circular-Dependency-Hell .

The common methods can't help me any more , because the dependencies relation between 10 files is to complex.

At finally , I solved it. Using following 2 methods :

  1. Install repo ———— "circular-dependency-plugin": "5.0.2"

This repo will helps me to find the place where circular occurs.

  1. Using a designed internal.ts , to manage my import & export

I tried the method of this article :

How to fix nasty circular dependency issues once and for all in JavaScript & TypeScript

This amazing article tells me to create internal.ts .

and using like export * form 'file-A' ; export * from 'file-B' to manage my circular dependencies.

It works very well when I use dependencies related to my 10 files, like this import classA from '../internal.ts' .


If the above method has no effect on you, I found another general solution:


const File_Promise = import ('yourFilePath')" to import other file or module .

when you need to use this one, use

File_Promise.then (file => { }) , just like using Promise syntax. `

This will break the Circular-Dep Chain !

If i am you , I will continue this action until NO ERROR Reported by "circular-dependency-plugin".


Hope to help YOU !


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionViper BaileyView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - TypescriptmozuView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - TypescriptBruno GriederView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - TypescriptLancer.YanView Answer on Stackoverflow