Concatenate a range of cells with a comma

Google Sheets

Google Sheets Problem Overview

I'd like to combine a range of cells of data so that it comes out with just one text string and a comma + space between each one. I have been successful in using concatenate:

=ArrayFormula(concatenate(C3:F&", "))

but there are extra commas that don't need to be there in between some data and a lot of extra commas at the end.

Example Sheets.

Google Sheets Solutions

Solution 1 - Google Sheets

A easy way (if you don't have that many columns) would be to use a literal array and filter out the empty cells with query. Something like this

=join(", ", query({C3:C; D3:D; E3:E; F3:F}, "where Col1 <>''"))

Also see cell A1 in the spreadsheet you shared.

UPDATED: An alternative (and shorter) way would be to use textjoin()

=textjoin(", ", 1, C2:F)

Solution 2 - Google Sheets

To prevent the delimiter doubling when there's a blank cell in the column, use


Solution 3 - Google Sheets

You can also concat twice, with another column containing just a comma with spacing

1 x , p
2 y , q
3 z , r

In D =ArrayFormula(concat(A1:A,B1:B) which will get x,
In E =ArrayFormula(concat(D1:D,C1:C) which will get x, p
You can now hide column D

Solution 4 - Google Sheets

For mine, I had a single number in each multiple cells which I wanted to combine into a single cell separated by a comma then a space. I used "=Concatenate (B2,"' ",B3,"' ",B4,"' ",B5,"' ",B6,"' ",B7,"' ",B8...), etc. It worked like a charm! Just type out all your cell names w/o anything in between, then use your arrow keys to advance the pointer, then paste ,"' ", between each one!

Solution 5 - Google Sheets

It can be as simple as =concatenate(A1, " ", B2, " ", C2, ...)


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionNiels van der TakView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Google SheetsJPVView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Google Sheetshalf of a glazierView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Google SheetsAmrul IsmailView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Google SheetseddierhView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Google Sheetsuser2060451View Answer on Stackoverflow