Copy multiple files with Ansible


Ansible Problem Overview

How can I copy more than a single file into remote nodes by Ansible in a task?

I've tried to duplicate the copy module line in my task to define files but it only copies the first file.

Ansible Solutions

Solution 1 - Ansible

You can use the with_fileglob loop for this:

- copy:
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: /etc/fooapp/
    owner: root
    mode: 600
    - /playbooks/files/fooapp/*

Solution 2 - Ansible

- name: Your copy task
  copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }}
    - { src: 'containerizers', dest: '/etc/mesos/containerizers' }
    - { src: 'another_file', dest: '/etc/somewhere' }
    - { src: 'dynamic', dest: '{{ var_path }}' }
  # more files here

Solution 3 - Ansible

Since Ansible 2.5 the with_* constructs are not recommended, and loop syntax should be used. A simple practical example:

- name: Copy CA files
    src: '{{item}}'
    dest: '/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors'
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0644
    - symantec-private.crt
    - verisignclass3g2.crt

Solution 4 - Ansible

You can use with_together for this purpose:

- name: Copy multiple files to multiple directories
  copy: src={{ item.0 }} dest={{ item.1 }}
    - [ 'file1', 'file2', 'file3' ]
    - [ '/dir1/', '/dir2/', '/dir3/' ]

Solution 5 - Ansible

If you need more than one location, you need more than one task. One copy task can copy only from one location (including multiple files) to another one on the node.

- copy: src=/file1 dest=/destination/file1
- copy: src=/file2 dest=/destination/file2

# copy each file over that matches the given pattern
- copy: src={{ item }} dest=/destination/
    - /files/*

Solution 6 - Ansible

- hosts: lnx
    - find: paths="/appl/scripts/inq" recurse=yes patterns="inq.Linux*"
      register: file_to_copy
    - copy: src={{ item.path }} dest=/usr/local/sbin/
      owner: root
      mode: 0775
      with_items: "{{ files_to_copy.files }}"

Solution 7 - Ansible

Or you can use with_items:

- copy:
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: /etc/fooapp/
    owner: root
    mode: 600
    - dest_dir

Solution 8 - Ansible

- name: find inq.Linux*
  find:  paths="/appl/scripts/inq" recurse=yes patterns="inq.Linux*"
  register: find_files

- name: set fact
      - "{{ find_files.files | map(attribute='path') | list }}"
  when: find_files > 0

- name: copy files
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: /destination/
  with_items: "{{ all_files }}"
  when: find_files > 0

Solution 9 - Ansible

copy module is a wrong tool for copying many files and/or directory structure, use synchronize module instead which uses rsync as backend. Mind you, it requires rsync installed on both controller and target host. It's really powerful, check ansible documentation.

Example - copy files from build directory (with subdirectories) of controller to /var/www/html directory on target host:

  src: ./my-static-web-page/build/
  dest: /var/www/html
    - "--chmod=D2755,F644" # copy from windows - force permissions

Solution 10 - Ansible

You can loop through variable with list of directories:

- name: Copy files from several directories
    src: "{{ item }}"
    dest: "/etc/fooapp/"
    owner: root
    mode: "0600"
  loop: "{{ files }}"
      - "dir1/"
      - "dir2/"

Solution 11 - Ansible

Use the following source code for copy multiple files on your client machine.

 - name: Copy data to the client machine
   hosts: hostname
   become_method: sudo
   become_user: root
   become: true
     # Copy twice as sometimes files get skipped (mostly only one file skipped from a folder if the folder does not exist)
     - name: Copy UFO-Server 
         src: "source files path"
         dest: "destination file path"
         owner: root
         group: root
         mode: 0644
         backup: yes
       ignore_errors: true


If you are passing multiple paths by using variable then

src: "/root/{{ item }}"

If you are passing path by using a variable for different items then

src: "/root/{{ item.source_path }}"

Solution 12 - Ansible

Here is a sample Ansible Script to copy multiple Files on remote Hosts

- name: Copy Multiple Files on remote Hosts
    src: "{{ srcPath }}/{{ item }}" # Remeber to us {{item}}
                                    # as a postfix to source path

    dest: "{{ destPath }}"
    remote_src: yes # if source path is available on remote Host
    - abc.txt

Solution 13 - Ansible

Here is a generic solution for copying files:

    - name: Find files you want to move
        paths: /path/to/files/
        file_type: file
        excludes: "*.txt" # Whatever pattern you want to exclude
      register: files_output

    - name: Copy the files
        src: "{{ item.path }}"
        dest: /destination/directory/
      loop: "{{ files_output.files }}"

This is more powerful than using with_fileglob as you can match using regexes. Here is this play in action:

$ ls /path/to/files
demo.yaml  ignore.txt

$ ls /destination/directory

$ ansible-playbook playbook.yaml
...[some output]...

$ ls /destination/directory
file.h demo.yaml

As you can see from the above example, ignore.txt was not copied over to the destination directory because of the excludes regex in the playbook. Ignoring files like this is not possible as simply using with_fileglob.

Additionally, you can move files from multiple directories with relative ease:

    - name: Find files you want to move
        paths: /path/to/files/
        # ... the rest of the task
      register: list1

    - name: Find more files you want to move
        paths: /different/path/
        # ... the rest of the task
      register: list2

    - name: Copy the files
        src: "{{ item.path }}"
        dest: /destination/directory/
      loop: "{{ list1.files + list2.files }}"

Solution 14 - Ansible

Copy files from multiple directories to multiple directories with Ansible

I found the guenhter answer helpful but needed to change also the remote files' mode. I don't have enough reputation to put this as a comment, which would be a more appropriate place for this. In the example, I copy two files from two directories into /tmp and /tmp/bin, which I create first and modify remote files mode.

- name: cpldupd
  hosts: test
  remote_user: root
  become: true
    - rpth: /tmp
    - name: Create '{{rpth}}/bin'
        path: '{{rpth}}/bin'
        state: directory

    - name: Transfer
      copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} mode=0775
      - { src: '../utils/cpldupd', dest: '{{rpth}}/cpldupd' }
      - { src: '../utils/bin/cpldupd', dest: '{{rpth}}/bin/cpldupd' }

Solution 15 - Ansible

  • hosts: test gather_facts: false become: true vars: path: '/home/ansibm/playbooks' remote_path: '/home/{{ansible_ssh_user}}' dir: 'yml_files' tasks:
    • name: "creating directory for backup file" file: path: '{{ remote_path }}/{{ dir }}' state: directory owner: '{{ansible_ssh_user}}' group: '{{ansible_ssh_user}}' mode: 0700
    • name: "copying yml files" copy: src: '{{item}}' dest: '{{ remote_path }}/{{ dir }}' owner: '{{ansible_ssh_user}}' group: '{{ansible_ssh_user}}' mode: 0644 loop: - '{{ path }}/ab.html' - '{{ path }}/cp.yml'


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMark K.View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - AnsibleArbab NazarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - AnsibleguenhterView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - AnsibleRichlvView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - AnsibleMircea HuszView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - AnsibleflxPetersView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - AnsibleDiego Roberto Dos SantosView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - AnsibleMxWildView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - AnsibleFredric AnderssonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - AnsiblemrówaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - AnsibleStanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - AnsibleShaha Nawaj MullaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - Ansiblehussains8View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - AnsibleLawrence WarrenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - AnsibleMichael ZaidmanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - AnsibleKalpesh KolapView Answer on Stackoverflow