Displaying Lakhs and Crores in Google Sheets

Google Sheets

Google Sheets Problem Overview

I would like to use Google Sheets for its convenient global access, but I really need to display numbers in Lakh and Crore (Indian style) format to avoid confusion among managers.

150,000 should display as 1,50,000 and 12,000,000 should display as 1,20,00,000.

I tried setting the format to ##,##,##,000 but my number still displays as 12,000,000. I couldn't find anything in the docs.

Does anyone know of a way to accomplish this?

Google Sheets Solutions

Solution 1 - Google Sheets

This works in Google Sheets for sure. Should work in Excel too.

With the appropriate cells selected, navigate to:

Google Sheets : Format -> Number -> More Formats -> Custom Number Format
Excel : Format -> Cells -> Custom -> [Custom text box]

Enter one of the following and Apply:

A] For Lakhs and Crores with the Rupee symbol and decimals


B] For Lakhs and Crores with the Rupee symbol and without decimals


C] For Lakhs and Crores without the Rupee symbol and with decimals


D] For Lakhs and Crores without both the Rupee symbol and decimals


Edit: I've tested these on both Google Sheets and Excel. Negative numbers work as well.

Solution 2 - Google Sheets

Indian currency format displays numbers like below

1 - One Rupee
10 - Ten Rupee
100 - One Hundred Rupee
1,000 - One Thousand Rupee
10,000 - Ten Thousand Rupee
1,00,000 - One Lac Rupee
10,00,000 - Ten Lac Rupee
1,00,00,000 - One Crore Rupee

So below formats seems to be correct.

To show positive and negative INR/Rs. up to Lakh


To add support for positive lakhs and crores


Add support for negative lakhs and crores


For Microsoft excel, add the above format at Format -> Cells -> Custom -> [Custom text box] enter image description here Below screenshot demonstrates above custom format in use:

Reference: https://www.raghunayak.com/2020/07/how-to-show-inrrs-in-lakh-crore-format.html

Solution 3 - Google Sheets

Note: Please refer to the accepted answer to display lakhs and crores with proper commas. This answer only adds the Rs. symbol to the number while the comma syntax remains as it is.

As of Dec 2020, Google Sheets has added Indian Rupee formatting as well. Just go to File -> Spreadsheet settings -> Locale and select India.

Let it refresh, you will find Rs. symbol in the toolbar.

enter image description here

Solution 4 - Google Sheets

new formula approach:

  • works with numeric numbers
  • works with plain text numbers
  • works with text
  • works with empty cells
  • works with negative values
  • works with zeros
  • works with scientific notations
  • works with decimals
  • works up to Shankh
  • works up to 10^±50

indian separator system:

 REPT(0, 50)&"×"&TEXT(A1:A, "0"), REPT("(..)", 24)&"(...)$", 
 JOIN(",", "$"&SEQUENCE(25))), "(.*×,?)", ), "-,", "-")&
 IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A&"", "(\.\d{1})")), A1:A&""))

enter image description here

indian short currency:

=INDEX(IF((IFERROR(N(ABS(A1:A*1)))>0)+(IF(ISBLANK(A1:A),,IFERROR(A1:A*1, 1)=0)), 
 SEQUENCE(8, 1, 6, 2), 1)-1)), A1:A), 1), "0.#"), "(\.)$", )&" "&
 HLOOKUP(LEN(TEXT(INT(ABS(A1:A*1)), "0")), {0, SEQUENCE(1, 8, 4, 2); 
 SPLIT("Rp♦Rp♦L♦Cr♦Arab♦Kharab♦Nil♦Padma♦Shankh", "♦")} , 2), ""&A1:A))

enter image description here

both indian systems combined:

=INDEX(IF((IFERROR(N(ABS(A1:A*1)))>0)+(IF(ISBLANK(A1:A),,IFERROR(A1:A*1, 1)=0)), 
 SEQUENCE(8, 1, 6, 2), 1)-1)), A1:A), 1), "0"), "(\.)$", ), REPT("(..)", 24)&"(...)$", 
 JOIN(",", "$"&SEQUENCE(25))), "(.*×,?)", ), "-,", "-")&
 IFNA(REGEXEXTRACT(A1:A&"", "(\.\d{1})"))&" "&
 HLOOKUP(LEN(TEXT(INT(ABS(A1:A*1)), "0")), {0, SEQUENCE(1, 8, 4, 2); 
 SPLIT("Rp♦Rp♦L♦Cr♦Arab♦Kharab♦Nil♦Padma♦Shankh", "♦")} , 2), A1:A&""))

enter image description here

english demo sheet

non-english demo sheet

Solution 5 - Google Sheets

unfortunately, internal formatting is able to work only with 3 types (see more here) if you need to get more from indian currency system you can use a formula like below either for separator system or short currency system respectively

enter image description here

indian separator system in B2:

 REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A, REPT("(.)", IF(LEN(A2:A)=3, LEN(A2:A)-4, LEN(A2:A)-3))), "0"), 
 "select "&JOIN(",", "Col"&SORT(SEQUENCE(MAX(LEN(A2:A)-3)), 1, )))),,9^9)), " ", ), 
 "(.{2})", "$1,"), REPT("(.)", IF((LEN(A2:A)-3)+ROUNDDOWN((LEN(A2:A)-3)/2)<1, 1, 
 "select "&JOIN(",", "Col"&SORT(SEQUENCE(MAX((LEN(A2:A)-3)+
 ROUNDDOWN((LEN(A2:A)-3)/2))), 1, )))),,9^9)), " ", ), "^,", )&","&IFNA(
 REGEXEXTRACT(A2:A, "...$"), IF(A2:A="",,TEXT(A2:A, "000"))), "^0,$", ))

indian short currency in C2:

 {1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 10^-5; 10^-5; 10^-7; 10^-7; 10^-9; 10^-9; 
  10^-11; 10^-11; 10^-13; 10^-13; 10^-15; 10^-15; 10^-17; 10^-17}}, 2, 1), 2)&" "&
 {"Rp"; "Rp"; "Rp"; "Rp"; "Rp"; "L"; "L"; "Cr"; "Cr"; "Arab"; "Arab"; 
  "Kharab"; "Kharab"; "Nil"; "Nil"; "Padma"; "Padma"; "Shankh"; "Shankh"}}, 2, 1)))
  • side note: ROUND is set to 2 decimal places. this can be set to 0, or ROUND can be completely removed, or it can be replaced by TRUNC if needed

demo sheet


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionAdam StarrhView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Google SheetsBigDaddyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Google SheetsJitendra PancholiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Google SheetsRishabh AgrahariView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Google Sheetsplayer0View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Google Sheetsplayer0View Answer on Stackoverflow