Does cargo install have an equivalent update command?

RustRust Cargo

Rust Problem Overview

I'd like to update a package that I used cargo install to globally install packages, such as rustfmt or racer. I can't find a way to update an installed package without first deleting it (via cargo uninstall) and then running the install command again. Is there an update command?

Rust Solutions

Solution 1 - Rust

There is no such command in vanilla cargo (well, there's cargo install but that's for dependencies), but since cargo supports third-party subcommands there is an answer: the cargo-update crate.

Install as usual with cargo install cargo-update, then use cargo install-update -a to update all installed packages, for more usage information and examples see the cargo install-update manpage.

Disclaimer: am author

Solution 2 - Rust

As of Rust 1.41.0, you can use the following command to update crates to their latest version:

cargo install <crate>

This came from pull request #6798 (Add install-upgrade) and was stabilized in #7560 (Stabilize install-upgrade).

How does it work?

Instead of failing when cargo install detects a package is already installed, it will upgrade if the versions don't match, or do nothing (exit 0) if it is considered "up-to-date".

Forcing an upgrade / re-installation

The following command will always uninstall, download and compile the latest version of the crate - even if there's no newer version available. Under normal circumstances the install-upgrade feature should be preferred as it does save time and bandwidth if there's no new version of the crate.

cargo install --force <crate>

Further information can be found in the GitHub issue rust-lang/cargo#6797 and in the official documentation chapter.

Solution 3 - Rust

A solution I've found is to add the --force flag to the install command. For example cargo install --force clippy. This will effectively re-install the latest version.

Solution 4 - Rust

Here is a one-liner to update all installed Cargo crates, except those installed from a local folder:

cargo install $(cargo install --list | egrep '^[a-z0-9_-]+ v[0-9.]+:$' | cut -f1 -d' ')


  • List installed packages
  • Filter to lines which contain package names and versions, and exclude ones with filesystem paths
  • Cut those lines to only include the package name
  • cargo install with the resulting package names


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionw.brianView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - RustнабиячлэвэлиView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - RustNicolai FröhlichView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Rustw.brianView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - RustDavid BaileyView Answer on Stackoverflow