Error while install airflow: By default one of Airflow's dependencies installs a GPL


Airflow Problem Overview

Getting the following error after running pip install airflow[postgres] command:

> raise RuntimeError("By default one of Airflow's dependencies installs
> a GPL "
> RuntimeError: By default one of Airflow's dependencies  installs a GPL
> dependency (unidecode). To avoid this dependency set
> SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE=yes in your environment when you install
> or upgrade Airflow. To force installing the GPL version set

I am trying to install in Debian 9

Airflow Solutions

Solution 1 - Airflow

Try the following:




Using export makes the environment variable available to all the subprocesses.

Also, make sure you are using pip install apache-airflow[postgres] and not pip install airflow[postgres]

Which should you use: if using AIRFLOW_GPL_UNIDECODE, airflow will install a dependency that is under GPL license, which means you won't be able to distribute your resulting application commercially. If that's a problem for you, go for SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE.

Solution 2 - Airflow

If you are installing using sudo run one of these commands:

sudo AIRFLOW_GPL_UNIDECODE=yes pip3 install apache-airflow


sudo SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE=yes pip3 install apache-airflow

NOTE: If pip3 (python3) does not work for you, try pip command. The pip command can be pointing to python2 or python3 installation depending on your system. Verify this by running pip --version.

Solution 3 - Airflow

Windows users can use the command below before installing apache-airflow:



$ pip install apache-airflow

Solution 4 - Airflow

Below command should install apache-airflow and lets you pull changes into PyCharm for building DAGs and coding for Airflow.


pip install apache-airflow

Solution 5 - Airflow

In case you are installing the airflow on Windows and through Python terminal then you need to write this:

> Set SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE=yes > > pip install apache-airflow[postgres]

It worked with me after I struggled with trying many other options. Hope this will work with you too.

Solution 6 - Airflow

Also, if you are installing using sudo you can use:

sudo -E pip3 install apache-airflow


Solution 7 - Airflow

Run the following command in your python terminal: SLUGIFY_USES_TEXT_UNIDECODE=yes pip install apache-airflow==1.10.0

Solution 8 - Airflow

Use below command to install apache-airflow

pip install apache-airflow[async,devel,celery,crypto,druid,gcp_api,jdbc,hdfs,hive,kerberos,ldap,password,postgres,qds,rabbitmq,s3,samba,slack]


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMd Sirajus SalayhinView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - AirflowkaxilView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - AirflowGabriel AvellanedaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - AirflowVivek GourView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - AirflowvmorusuView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - AirflowVishalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - AirflowAndré C. AndersenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - Airflowd_-View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - Airflowuser2587605View Answer on Stackoverflow