How can I extract secrets using GitHub Actions?

SshGithub ActionsSecretsmanager

Ssh Problem Overview

I have a fairly basic scenario. I made a dedicated ssh key for this purpose and added it to my repository secrets.

  1. Code gets pushed to master

  2. GitHub action uploads it to server using ssh by doing echo "${{ secrets.SSH_KEY }}" > key.

  3. After that I can use this key to connect to my server e.g. ssh -i key [email protected] lsb_release -a

The problem is that for some reason GitHub actions cannot write it to file, it writes characters *** instead of the actual secret value into the file. Therefore obviously I cannot connect to my server.

How can I connect with ssh using this secret? Is there a way to connect without using a file? Can someone who did this common scenario using GitHub actions shed some light?

Ssh Solutions

Solution 1 - Ssh

GitHub Actions should be able to write a secret to a file this way. The reason you see the stars is that the log is filtered, so if a secret would be logged, it's replaced in the log with three asterisks instead. This is a security measure against an accidental disclosure of secrets, since logs are often publicly available.

However, it's a good idea to avoid writing the secret to the log anyway if possible. You can write your command like this so you don't write the secret to the log:

    - run: 'echo "$SSH_KEY" > key'
      shell: bash
        SSH_KEY: ${{secrets.SSH_KEY}}

All you'll see in the log is echo "$SSH_KEY" > key, not the secret or any asterisks.

Note that you do want quotes here, since the > character is special to YAML.

If this doesn't work to log into your server, there's likely a different issue; this technique does work for writing secrets in the general case.

Solution 2 - Ssh

I found a way to do this. We used GatsbyJS for a project and it relies on a .env.production file for the env variables. I tried to pass them as env: to the github action, but that didn't work and they were ignored.

Here is what I did. I base 64 encoded the .env.production file:

base64 -i .env.production

Added the output to an env variable in github action. Then in my action I do:

echo ${{ secrets.ENV_PRODUCTION_FILE }} | base64 -d > .env.production

This way the contents of my .env.production file ended being written to the machine that executes the github action.

Solution 3 - Ssh

I used sed in a GHA to replace a TOKEN in a file like this :

run: |-
     sed -i "s/TOKEN/${{secrets.MY_SECRET}}/g" "thefile"

The file looks like this:

    credentials "" {
       token = "TOKEN"

Solution 4 - Ssh

The good solution is to use gpg for encrypting the key, adding it to a repo and decrypting it on the server using passphrase. The passprase should be stored as github project secret of course.

More info how I did it here:

Solution 5 - Ssh

Here is how to solve your actual problem of securely logging into an SSH server using a secret stored in GitHub Actions, named GITHUB_ACTIONS_DEPLOY.

Let's call this "beep", because it will cause an audible bell on the server you login to. Maybe you use this literally ping a server in your house when somebody pushes code to your repo.

      - name: Beep    
        # if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/XXXX' # Maybe limit only this step to some branches
        run: |
          eval $(ssh-agent)
          ssh-add - <<< "$SSH_KEY"
          echo "* ssh-rsa XXX" >> /tmp/known_hosts # Get from your local ~/.ssh/known_hosts or from ssh-keyscan
          ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/tmp/known_hosts "echo '\a'"
          SSH_KEY: ${{ secrets.PMT_GITHUB_ACTIONS_DEPLOY }}

If, actually you are using SSH as part of a rsync push task, here is how to do that:

      - name: Publish    
        if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/XXX'
        run: |
          eval $(ssh-agent)
          ssh-add - <<< "$SSH_KEY"
          echo "* ssh-rsa XXX" >> /tmp/known_hosts
          rsync $FROM user@server:
          SSH_KEY: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_ACTIONS_DEPLOY }}
          RSYNC_RSH: "ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/tmp/known_hosts"


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionStanView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Sshbk2204View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - SshDaniel DimitrovView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - SshMichael MyrtekView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - SshStanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - SshWilliam EntrikenView Answer on Stackoverflow