How do I display a particular changelist number in p4v?


Perforce Problem Overview

When viewing submitted changelists in p4v, is there a way to display a particular changelist number? That is, how I do the equivalent of p4 describe in p4v? Can I filter for a particular changelist number? I don't see how.

Perforce Solutions

Solution 1 - Perforce

Search > Go To... In the dialog, you can go to a submitted changelist by number.

In my version of P4, this is under Edit > Go To...

Solution 2 - Perforce

And of course for the keyboard freaks ("mouse? I don't need no mouse") you can hit CTRL + G.

Solution 3 - Perforce

Hi All, It I used CTRL + G and then I was prmopted to provide the change list number.

Please note you have to select the options from Scroll down Menu.

In this case it is:

  1. Submitted Change List
  2. Pending change list
  3. Branch Mapping
  4. Label
  5. Workspace
  6. User
  7. Job

Solution 4 - Perforce

Like Eric, I use Edit > Go To...

Optionally, in the History pane on the left side of the window, you can double click on a changelist in the list and it'll open the details for just that changelist in a new window (same window you'll see with Edit > Go To...).

Solution 5 - Perforce

Note for this, in the newest version of P4V, the "Pending" and "Submitted" change types are combined in the goto dialog. Now there is just "Changelist" and it figures out which one it is by the number you enter.

Solution 6 - Perforce

Also we can view @ tab "Search" -> Go To.. in newer versions of P4V. AS mentioned above or "Ctlr+G "


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionDaryl SpitzerView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PerforceEric LechnerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PerforcejhwistView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PerforceDilipView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PerforceIan C.View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PerforceGabe WeissView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - Perforceuser3268059View Answer on Stackoverflow