How to decrypt string with ansible-vault 2.3.0

AnsibleAnsible Vault

Ansible Problem Overview

I have been waiting for ansible 2.3 as it was going to introduce encrypt_string feature.

Unfortuately I'm not sure how can I read the encrypted string.

I did try decrypt_string, decrypt (the file), view (the file) and nothing works.

cat test.yml 
test: !vault |

The error I'm geeting is ERROR! input is not vault encrypted data for test.yml

How can I decrypt the string so I know what it's value without the need to run the play?

Ansible Solutions

Solution 1 - Ansible

You can also do with plain ansible command for respective host/group/inventory combination, e.g.:

$ ansible my_server -m debug -a 'var=my_secret'
my_server | SUCCESS => {
    "my_secret": "373861663362363036363361663037373661353137303762"

Solution 2 - Ansible

You can pipe the input then tell ansible-vault to output to stderr and then redirect the stdout to /dev/null since the tool prints Decryption successful.

The /dev/stdin/ part may not be needed in new Ansible versions.

Something like:

echo 'YOUR_SECRET_VALUE' | ansible-vault decrypt /dev/stdin --output=/dev/stderr > /dev/null

Here is a example:

echo '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
6235' | ansible-vault decrypt /dev/stdin --output=/dev/stderr > /dev/null

I hope they implement a simpler way of doing this.

Edit: Environment Variables as Input:

To have a similar behaviour with multi-line environment variables on bash use printf instead of echo

Example (password: 123):

export chiphertext='$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256

printf "%s\n" $chiphertext | ansible-vault decrypt /dev/stdin --output=/dev/stderr > /dev/null

Solution 3 - Ansible

since whole vault files do not play well with git histories, using vault strings within the variable files is the way to go, it also makes grepping out variables by name much clearer.

Here is a simple worked example:

I want to put fredsSecretString: value into vars.yml , (its value is fastfredfedfourfrankfurters but hush, don't let people know !!)

$ ansible-vault encrypt_string 'fastfredfedfourfrankfurters' -n fredsSecretString >> vars.yml
New Vault password: fred
Confirm New Vault password: fred
$ cat vars.yml
fredsSecretString: !vault |

To decrypt the value feed the encrypted string back into ansible-vault as follows:

    $ echo '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
    33353861663464313866353330376566346636303334353732383564633263373862' |
 ansible-vault decrypt && echo
    Vault password: fred
    Decryption successful

Solution 4 - Ansible

Did you try setting the encrypted string as a variable and then using -debug to get its decrypted output?


Define your encrypted string as a variable test in your playbook and then do:

-debug: msg="My Secret value is {{test | replace('\n', '')}}"

in your playbook and then run the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i localhost YourPlaybook.yml --vault-password-file path/to/your/secret_key_file

Solution 5 - Ansible

Here's another way to decrypt strings

$ ansible localhost \
       -m debug \
       -a "var=mysecret" \
       -e "@inventory/group_vars/master"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
"mysecret": "somesecret\n"

The trick here is we're passing a file with an Ansible vaulted secret, mysecret within it too ansible and it's able to decrypt it.

NOTE: If you do not have your password to decrypt the Ansible vaulted encrypted secret you can pass that in as well:

$ ansible localhost --vault-password-file=~/.vault_pass.txt \
       -m debug \
       -a "var=mysecret" \
       -e "@inventory/group_vars/master"
localhost | SUCCESS => {
"mysecret": "somesecret\n"

Solution 6 - Ansible

yq extracts the encrypted var value, then will create a temporary file and use it with ansible-vault:

cat ansible_file.yml | yq -r ".variable_name" > tmp_file.txt

# you can also use 'ansible-vault decrypt'
ansible-vault view --ask-vault-pass tmp_file.txt

Solution 7 - Ansible

You can do it with a one-liner

ansible localhost -m debug -a var='NAME_OF_ENCRYPTED_VAR' -e "@PATH_TO_FILE_WITH_VARIABLE" --vault-id yourid@/path/to/file

or enter the password from command line

ansible localhost -m debug -a var='NAME_OF_ENCRYPTED_VAR' -e "@PATH_TO_FILE_WITH_VARIABLE" --ask-vault-pass

Solution 8 - Ansible

Here is what works for me, similar to what Scudelletti does but passing in the vault pass i.e.

echo '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
393465653830393231636638643735313666' | ansible-vault decrypt --vault-password-file /path/to/your/.vault_pass.txt /dev/stdin --output=/dev/stderr > /dev/null && echo

The output will be on its own line for convenience, thanks to the trailing && echo. The permission of my vault pass is 644 if you run into any permission errors.

Hope it helps!

Solution 9 - Ansible

With this you can decrypt a file containing just an ansible vault string:

cat encrypted_vault_string | ansible-vault decrypt


Vault passsword: <enter password, is not echoed to you>
Decryption successful
< decrypted string here>

An ansible vault string looks like:


This also works without an intermediate file

echo -e '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256\n123456789...789' | ansible-vault decrypt

Solution 10 - Ansible

Although, there is no problems showing encrypted string values with ansible debug messages or using ansible cli, there is one more solution that may be convenient for automation needs. You can utilize python libs from ansible and use them in your code (basically, all this located in ansible.parsing.*)

  1. Provide vault password and generate "vault" with secrets.

    Load vault password and prepare secrets for decryption

    loader = DataLoader() secret = vault.get_file_vault_secret(filename=vault_password_file, loader=loader) secret.load() vault_secrets = [('default', secret)] _vault = vault.VaultLib(vault_secrets)

  2. Load yaml file with AnsibleLoader:

    with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: loaded_yaml = AnsibleLoader(f, vault_secrets=_vault.secrets).get_single_data()

  3. If you need to encrypt a new string and update your dictionary:

     new_encrypted_value = objects.AnsibleVaultEncryptedUnicode.from_plaintext(source_system_password, _vault, vault_secrets[0][1])
     loaded_yaml[target_env]['credentials'][external_system_name]['password'] = new_encrypted_variable
  4. Once complete processing, write back with AnsibleDumper:

    with open('new_variables.yml','w') as fd: yaml.dump(loaded_yaml, fd, Dumper=AnsibleDumper, encoding=None, default_flow_style=False)

Solution 11 - Ansible

This one command extracts out just the encrypted data and passes it to decrypt. I like it a bit better, as you don't need to manually extract the data.

$ grep -v vault test.yml | awk '{$1=$1;print}' | ansible-vault decrypt

Solution 12 - Ansible

You can copy the encrypted string to a file but you need to only copy the encrypted part and not the other yml parts.

So you file need to change from:

test: !vault |



And you'll be able to decript or view with

ansible-vault decrypt --vault-password-file <path to passwordfile> test.yml

ansible-vault view --vault-password-file <path to passwordfile> test.yml

And perhaps drop the .yml because that doesn't make sense anymore.

Solution 13 - Ansible

For those who want to define an alias and forget about pipes and temp files, here is a solution which you can adopt:

function decrypt_ansible_vault_string() { 
   export FN=$1
   export KEY=$2
   ansible-vault view <(yq r $FN $KEY)

Example usage:

$ head myrole/var/main.yml
# Variables here override defaults
  port: 8081
    hash_key: !vault |

$ decrypt_ansible_vault_string myrole/vars/main.yml website.session.hash_key

This answer expands on the comment from @maricn Note, I am using this yq, but any yaml query tool can do. It's the principle of using subshell redirect that matters here (No temp files). Also note, you can add --ask-vault-password. However, using a secret encrypted with GPG is much nicer, since you don't have to type your password every time and this work flow is much better for teams (YMVV and IHMO). Here is a good tutorial on how to use GPG with ansible-vault.

Stick this in your .bashrc and enjoy it.


I got frustrated with ansible-vault encrypt\decrypt workflow. So, I created a wrapper for also decrypting strings in the var files. Check it out:

Solution 14 - Ansible

I know it's been a while, but it worked for me when I piped it through ansible-vault decrypt without anything else, like this:

$ echo '$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
34616663626530656630633839346531653862633332396365396432366234333861' | ansible-vault decrypt
Decryption successful

Just in case anyone is interested. I have ansible version 2.9.26

Solution 15 - Ansible

This is how I am encrypting and decrypting strings inline, additionally for use as environment variables.

yq is especially useful here for interpreting yaml input.

In one line if I were to test encrypt and decypt a string I would do this-

echo -n "test some input that will be encrypted and decrypted" | ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id $vault_key --stdin-name testvar_name | yq r - "testvar_name" | ansible-vault decrypt --vault-id $vault_key

I'm guessing that those usually interested in this are interested in decrypting environment variables. This is how I implement that use case, where testvar is the encrypted environment variable, and and $vault-id is the path to the key you are using to encrypt/decrypt.

testvar=$(echo -n "test some input that will be encrypted and stored as an env var" | ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-id $vault_key --stdin-name testvar_name | base64 -w 0)
result=$(echo $testvar | base64 -d | /var/lib/snapd/snap/bin/yq r - "testvar_name" | ansible-vault decrypt --vault-id $vault_key); echo $result

Solution 16 - Ansible

For a file like test.yml:

test: !vault |

the following crude implementation (recomended only for some quick manual action obviously):

for row in $(cat test.yml | yq -c '.[]'); do
    decrypt() {
     printf "decrypting '%s'" $row | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//'
     echo "---"
     printf $row | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | ansible-vault decrypt -
   echo -e "==\n: $(decrypt '.')"

should work, provided that you have the key that encrypted the data.

Solution 17 - Ansible

Coming across this question and the answers here, I'd just like to add a quick bash script i cooked together that reads through an entire yaml file hunting for strings that can be decrypted dumping to screen.

It's far from perfect and I'm not the hottest at bash but, hope this helps someone who was in the same situation as me wanting to do a general dump.

To use the following script, it is necessary to have your vault password in a file (current working path) called vault_pass, along with yq and jq installed. The file to be parsed should be first argument. e.g. ./ group_vars/production.yml

for row in $(yq read -j $1 | jq); do  
    if [ "$KEY_OR_VALUE" == "key" ]
        echo $(sed -e "s/\"//g" -e "s/\://g" <<<$row)
        ENC_VALUE=$(sed -e "s/\"//g" -e "s/\://g" -e"s/\,//g"<<<$row)
        if [[ $ENC_VALUE = '$ANSIBLE_VAULT'* ]]; then
            echo -e "$ENC_VALUE" | ansible-vault decrypt --vault-password-file vault_pass
        echo ""

Solution 18 - Ansible

Insane but elegant shell script to output a clean yaml file with decrypted inline vars (assumes that you have ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE set and yq v4 installed):

yq -P e "$(for v in $(grep '\!vault' $VARS_FILE | cut -d: -f1); do val=$(yq e .${v} $VARS_FILE | tr -d ' ' | ansible-vault decrypt); echo .$v = \"$val\" \|; done) null = null" $VARS_FILE

Solution 19 - Ansible

Trying to decrypt /dev/stdin, as in ansible-vault decrypt /dev/stdin, or using --vault-password-file=/dev/stdin, like other commenters mention, also fails for me with errors like ERROR! [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/proc/100/fd/pipe:[12930445]'.

However, --vault-password-file also takes an executable to produce the password on stdout, so you can actually use /bin/cat to pipe in the password:

echo password | ansible-vault decrypt --output - --vault-password-file=/bin/cat ./encrypted_vault_file


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMMTView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - AnsiblefamousgarkinView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - AnsibleScudellettiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - AnsibleColeman CorriganView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - AnsibleNAFView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - AnsibleFelicia Lyn-ShueView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - AnsiblealfredocamberaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - AnsibleEvren YurtesenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - AnsibleradtekView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - AnsibleeludumView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - AnsibleandruhanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 11 - AnsibleScott CarlsonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 12 - AnsiblesoftarnView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 13 - Ansibleoz123View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 14 - AnsiblestreetcornerlurkerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 15 - AnsibleopenCivilisationView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 16 - AnsibleStanislavView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 17 - AnsibleSimonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 18 - AnsibleShaneView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 19 - AnsiblejonnyView Answer on Stackoverflow