How to delete Swift Package Dependency in Xcode 11?

XcodeSwift Package-ManagerXcode11

Xcode Problem Overview

I have a project in Xcode 11 that I added Swift Package Manager dependencies to. I now realized that I no longer need one of the package dependencies I previously added to my project.

As you can see below, there are no options under File > Swift Packages for deleting a packager from Swift Package Manager for this project.

Swift Packages Menu Options

I have tried removing the package from the array in the project.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/swiftpm/Package.resolved file. But it still doesn't remove it from Xcode, and the next time I Update to Latest Package Versions it readds the entry to the Package.resolved file.

How can I delete a Swift Package Manager dependency in my project?

Xcode Solutions

Solution 1 - Xcode

  1. Open Xcode
  2. Select your project
  3. Look at the top middle
  4. Select Swift Package Manager menu

You'll be able to manage your packages (add / remove)

enter image description here

Solution 2 - Xcode

Swift Package Manager(SPM) Dependency

Add dependency

1. Project Settings contains information about dependencies. 
2. File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
3. Target -> General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content -> Add Items -> Add Other... -> Add Package Dependency..." height="100">

Target Settings includes product from dependency" height="300">

Edit dependency

To edit URL you can edit .pbxproj with repositoryURL" height="100">

Delete dependency

Project -> Packages -> <Select dependency> -> -

[Local Swift Package Manager(SPM)]
[iOS Dependency manager]

Solution 3 - Xcode

In addition to Pierre's answer, this was driving me crazy, I had a sub project that I was editing, I forgot about that (it was in a subfolder). Even though I removed it in the "Swift Packages" pane it kept coming back. Removing that sub folder reference made sure the PM dependencies went away.

Solution 4 - Xcode

I removed the swift package, but its dependancies were still showing in the project. I saw the swift package was still in the Frameworks folder at the bottom of left pane, enter image description here

I removed it from there and the dependencies are gone.

Solution 5 - Xcode

Firstly I removed it from dependencies and targets in Package.swift, then i regenerated my project file with swift package generate-xcodeproj

Solution 6 - Xcode

Nested Swift Package Dependencies


As other answers have mentioned, we can import Swift Packages into a project very easy through the File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency workflow, and that works for the majority of applications. I have added this answer as a further optimisation for packages with nested dependencies.

Swift Packages are imported not just with the Git source code checkout, but also with one, or several Package Products. In my case, I wanted to keep the Package because I used it in one target but not in another target. Sometimes a Package contains multiple dependencies which we don't need, and this is a great opportunity to prune unused dependencies.

Unused imports

I recently made a mistake where I automatically imported all the modules referenced by a Swift Package dependency, even those I don't need. This is common because Packages can have multiple Products which each expose different APIs for different applications.

If you aren't sure if you need an import, check it and delete it. For example, a Package could include an Objective-C Module that adds an additional unnecessary import.

image of build phases

In my case, I imported a Swift Package that was exported via multiple nested libraries: OHHTTPStubs and OHHTTPStubsSwift in the above example.

General idea

We can delete nested Swift Package dependencies via Build Phases or the Target General settings tab without deleting the Package itself. Deleting unnecessary dependencies is a good practice to save your app's memory footprint and also streamlines build times.

Nested Dependencies for Unit/UI Testing

> Each target should only import the libraries it uses.


  1. Import only the Swift Package Manager Products you actually need when importing for the whole project. Import only the wrapper subspec if that is all you use.
  2. The Host Application Target doesn't need to import UI testing libraries. We can safely delete these libraries from the Target General tab in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. This will automatically unlink the Product from the Build Phases tab for this Target.
  3. Our UI Testing Target can import the Package Products it needs via Build Phases -> Link Binary with Libraries. If a dependency is only used in UI Tests, delete it from the Host Application Target Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.
  4. The Unit Testing Target can't link to libraries that are not embedded in the Host Application. Thus, we need to add products used in Unit Tests to the Host Application Target in the General settings tab for Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content. We DON'T need to add any Products to Link Binary with Libraries for the Unit Tests Target.

Example from my experience

OHHTTPStubsSwift is the equivalent Swift CocoaPods subspec that adds a nicer API wrapper over the ObjC API but already imports the ObjC API (OHHTTPStubs).

I deleted the Package Products from the Host Target because I was only using it in UI Tests. I then only imported the OHHTTPStubsSwift via Build Phases.

Solution 7 - Xcode

Step 1. Navigate to your project directory. Step 2. Find 'your-project.xcodeproj' Step 3. Open it in text editor, not Xcode (you have to use finder and use any text editor by opening with-all applications -> text editor Step 4. Search for all instances of the package in question, for instance...I had a package 'UIKit' that was causing issues, and I just removed any instances of it and made sure not to disturb the rest of the file. Step 4. Open/Re-open xcode project with xcode and enjoy.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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