How to get the remote server hg path?

MercurialHgrcHg Paths

Mercurial Problem Overview

I have have created remote repo to push my local changes over ssl. I did hg showconfig --debug to find my remote hg path but it messy can some one point me how to exactly find it what is it.

Mercurial Solutions

Solution 1 - Mercurial

hg paths gives the relationship between each path name and its url.

> hg paths
default = ssh://[email protected]/repo
local = /local/path/to/repo

hg paths <name> gives the url for the name.

> hg paths default
ssh://[email protected]/repo

> hg paths local

BTW, to get just the path names:

> hg paths -q

and hg paths -q <name> will always result in no output.


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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionTEDView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - MercurialTim DelaneyView Answer on Stackoverflow