How to include a sub-view in Blade templates?


Laravel Problem Overview

I am trying to set up a site using laravel, but I'm really having trouble with basic things that the documentation just doesn't cover.

In this case, I see that it says I can include one view inside another by using @include(''). What is Where is it saved? I tried creating a file app/views/, but it wasn't read. How does the file name map to the blade name?

Laravel Solutions

Solution 1 - Laravel

You can use the blade template engine:


'' would live in your main views folder:

// for laravel 4.X

// for laravel 5.X

Another example


would display the following view

// for laravel 4.X

// for laravel 5.X

Another example


would display the following view

// for Laravel 4.X

// for Laravel 5.X

So basically the dot notation defines the directory hierarchy that your view is in, followed by the view name, relative to app/views folder for laravel 4.x or your resources/views folder in laravel 5.x


If you want to pass parameters: @include('', array('paramName' => 'value'))

You can then use the value in your views like so <p>{{$paramName}}</p>

Solution 2 - Laravel

EDIT: Below was the preferred solution in 2014. Nowadays you should use @include, as mentioned in the other answer.

In Laravel views the dot is used as folder separator. So for example I have this code

return View::make('auth.details', array('id' => $id));

which points to app/views/auth/details.blade.php

And to include a view inside a view you do like this:

file: layout.blade.php

  <html stuff>

file: hello.blade.php


  <html stuff>

Solution 3 - Laravel

As of Laravel 5.6, if you have this kind of structure and you want to include another blade file inside a subfolder,

|--- views

|------- parentFolder (Folder)

|---------- name.blade.php (Blade File)

|---------- childFolder (Folder)

|-------------- mypage.blade.php (Blade File)




All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionBenubirdView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - LaravelGWedView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - LaravelwinkbraceView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - LaravelKent Allen SisonView Answer on Stackoverflow