How to join a list of strings in Ansible?


Ansible Problem Overview

In Ansible, I have a list of strings that I want to join with newline characters to create a string, that when written to a file, becomes a series of lines. However, when I use the join() filter, it works on the inner list, the characters in the strings, and not on the outer list, the strings themselves. Here's my sample code:

# Usage: ansible-playbook tst3.yaml --limit <GRP>
- hosts: all
  remote_user: root


  - name: Create the list
		my_item: "{{ item }}"
	  - "One fish"
	  - "Two fish"
	  - "Red fish"
	  - "Blue fish"
	register: my_item_result

  - name: Extract items and turn into a list
		my_list: "{{ my_item_result.results | map(attribute='ansible_facts.my_item') | list }}"

  - name: Examine the list
		msg: "{{ my_list }}"

  - name: Concatenate the public keys
		my_joined_list: "{{ item | join('\n') }}"
	  - "{{ my_list }}"

  - name: Examine the joined string
		msg: "{{ my_joined_list }}"

I want to get output that looks like:

One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue Fish

What I get instead is:

TASK: [Examine the joined string] *********************************************
ok: [] => {
	"msg": "B\nl\nu\ne\n \nf\ni\ns\nh"
ok: [] => {
	"msg": "B\nl\nu\ne\n \nf\ni\ns\nh"
ok: [] => {
	"msg": "B\nl\nu\ne\n \nf\ni\ns\nh"
ok: [] => {
	"msg": "B\nl\nu\ne\n \nf\ni\ns\nh"
ok: [] => {
	"msg": "B\nl\nu\ne\n \nf\ni\ns\nh"

How do I properly concatenate a list of strings with the newline character?

Ansible Solutions

Solution 1 - Ansible


join filter works on lists, so apply it to your list:

- name: Concatenate the public keys
    my_joined_list: "{{ my_list | join('\n') }}"


While my_list in your example is a list, when you use with_items, in each iterationitem is a string. Strings are treated as lists of characters, thus join splits them.

It’s like in any language: when you have a loop for i in (one, two, three) and refer to i inside the loop, you get only one value for each iteration, not the whole set.


  • Don’t use debug module, but copy with content to have\n rendered as newline.

  • The way you create a list is pretty cumbersome. All you need is (quotation marks are also not necessary):

      - name: Create the list
            - "One fish"
            - "Two fish"
            - "Red fish"
            - "Blue fish"


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionawrobinsonView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - AnsibletechrafView Answer on Stackoverflow