How to run containers sequentially as a Kubernetes job?

KubernetesKubernetes JobsArgoproj

Kubernetes Problem Overview

I'm trying to replace my legacy job scheduler with Kubernetes job and wondering how to write sequential jobs as a Kubernetes job.

First, I wrote the following script to execute job1 and job2 in the written order but it didn't work as I expected.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: sequential
  activeDeadlineSeconds: 100
      name: sequential_jobs
      - name: job1
        image: image1
      - name: job2
        image: image2
      restartPolicy: Never

The job described above seems to run job1 and job2 in parallel. Is there any good way to run job1 and job2 in the written order?


I recently found very good for my usecase.

Kubernetes Solutions

Solution 1 - Kubernetes

After a few attempts, I did this and that solved the basic problem (similar to what the OP has posted). This configuration ensures that job-1 completes before job-2 begins. If job-1 fails, job-2 container is not started. I still need to work on the retries and failure handling, but the basics works. Hopefully, this will help others:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: sequential-job
  - name: job-1
	image: busybox
    # runs for 15 seconds; echoes job name and timestamp
	command: ['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3; do echo "job-1 `date`" && sleep 5s; done;']
  - name: job-2
	image: busybox
    # runs for 15 seconds; echoes job name and timestamp
	command: ['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3; do echo "job-2 `date`" && sleep 5s; done;']
  # I don't really need the 'containers', but syntax requires 
  # it so, I'm using it as a place where I can report the 
  # completion status
  - name: job-done
	image: busybox
	command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "job-1 and job-2 completed"']
  restartPolicy: Never


The same configuration as above also works inside a Job spec:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: sequential-jobs
	  name: sequential-job
	  - name: job-1
		image: busybox
		command: ['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3; do echo "job-1 `date`" && sleep 5s; done;']
	  - name: job-2
		image: busybox
		command: ['sh', '-c', 'for i in 1 2 3; do echo "job-2 `date`" && sleep 5s; done;']
	  - name: job-done
		image: busybox
		command: ['sh', '-c', 'echo "job-1 and job-2 completed"']
	  restartPolicy: Never

Solution 2 - Kubernetes

Argo workflow will fit for your usecase. Argo will support sequential, parallel, DAG job processing.

# This template demonstrates a steps template and how to control sequential vs. parallel steps.
# In this example, the hello1 completes before the hello2a, and hello2b steps, which run in parallel.
kind: Workflow
  generateName: steps-
  entrypoint: hello-hello-hello

  - name: hello-hello-hello
    - - name: hello1
        template: whalesay
          parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello1"}]
    - - name: hello2a
        template: whalesay
          parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello2a"}]
      - name: hello2b
        template: whalesay
          parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello2b"}]

  - name: whalesay
      - name: message
      image: docker/whalesay
      command: [cowsay]
      args: ["{{inputs.parameters.message}}"]

Solution 3 - Kubernetes

Have you looked at Brigade - . Script simple and complex workflows using JavaScript. Chain together containers, running them in parallel or serially. Fire scripts based on times, GitHub events, Docker pushes, or any other trigger. Brigade is the tool for creating pipelines for Kubernetes.

Solution 4 - Kubernetes

Broadly, there is no notion of sequence and capturing dependencies across containers/pods in a Kubernetes setup.

In your case, if you have 2 containers in a job spec (or a pod spec even), there is no sequencing for those 2 containers. Similarly, if you fire 2 jobs one after another there is no notion of sequencing for those jobs either.

Ideally, if anything requires sequencing you should capture it within a single unit (container).

Slightly tangential to your question, another common pattern that I've seen when a Job is dependent on another service existing (say a deployment fronted by a k8s service):

The container in the job makes an request to the k8s service and fails if the service does not respond as expected. That way the Job keeps restarting and eventually when the service is up, the job executes and completes successfully.

Solution 5 - Kubernetes

This feature is provided by Kubernetes to run the jobs in parallel or sequential using the field Parallelism and it also helps to limit the number of jobs to run at a time

Here is the documentation: Kubernetes documentation

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
 name: job-wq-2
 parallelism: 1
   name: job-wq-2
  - name: c
  restartPolicy: OnFailure

Solution 6 - Kubernetes

Just came across this. As stated above there is no notion of job dependencies in Kubernetes so far as I know, but I've been working with a commercial entity (Univa) that has an add-on that provides this (and other) capabilities.

The offering is called Navops Command and it allows you to annotate Kubernetes jobs with a simple dependency notation. There is a blog with a brief explanation and example here. Basically Navops installs as a set of containers on Kubernetes, exposes it's own UI and CLI and supplements the Kubernetes scheduler with additional capabilities. You can download it at

The technology comes from the Grid Engine scheduler used in HPC where complex workflow, array jobs and the like are common.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionk-kawaView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - KubernetesBloodysockView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - KubernetesSarabalaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - KubernetesJay PaddyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - KubernetesiamnatView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - KubernetesRanjith Kumar GView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - KubernetesGJSissonsView Answer on Stackoverflow