How to select an option from dropdown select


Puppeteer Problem Overview

I can click the selector but my question is how to select one of the options from the dropdown list?

await'#telCountryInput > option:nth-child(4)')

Click the option using CSS selector does not work.

For example, select a country code from a list like below:

screenshot of the select element

Puppeteer Solutions

Solution 1 - Puppeteer

Puppeteer v0.13.0 has method, which does exactly that. You just have to give it the value to select. So, assuming you have an <option value="my-value"> in your <select>:

Solution 2 - Puppeteer

For dropdown component, I think we should consider 2 situations:

  • native HTML select element
  • component written by JS, composed of a button and a list of options, take bootstrap dropdown as example

For the second situation, I think click can solve the problem.

For the first situation, I just found 2 ways to do this:

  2. elementHandle.type (notice updated on 27/04/2018) is a new feature added in v0.12.0.

For example you have a select element:

<label>Choose One:
    <select name="choose1">
        <option value="val1">Value 1</option>
        <option value="val2">Value 2</option>
        <option value="val3">Value 3</option>

You have two ways to select second option 'Value 2'.

// use
await'select[name="choose1"]', 'val2');

// use elementHandle.type
const selectElem = await page.$('select[name="choose1"]');
await selectElem.type('Value 2');

Normally elementHandle.type is used to type in text in input textbox, but since it > Focuses the element, and then sends a keydown, keypress/input, and keyup event for each character in the text.

select HTML element has input event, so that this method works.

And I personally think elementHandle.type is better since it's not required to know the option value attribute, only the label/name what man can see.

27/04/2018 Updated

I previously used elementHandle.type only on Mac OSX. Recently, my colleague reported a bug related to this. He is using Linux/Win. Also, we are both using puppeteer v1.3.0.

After trial and error, we found that this elementHandle.type can assign the value to the <select> element, but this won't trigger the change event of the element.
So I no longer recommend using elementHandle.type on <select>.

Finally, we followed this comment to dispatch change event manually. It's like:

// use manually trigger change event
await page.evaluate((optionElem, selectElem) => {
    optionElem.selected = true;
    const event = new Event('change', {bubbles: true});
}, optionElem, selectElem);

Solution 3 - Puppeteer

For native selectboxes, my solution was to execute some JS on the page itself:

await page.evaluate(() => {
  document.querySelector('select option:nth-child(2)').selected = true;

Solution 4 - Puppeteer

Turn out this is easier than what I thought because the dropdown list is NOT a native HTML selction&option combination, therefore, I can actually use the code below to select the target I want.

  await'#select2-telCountryInput-results > li:nth-child(4)')

Solution 5 - Puppeteer

I landed here from a message where someone was asking how to select the first option from a dropdown. This is how I just worked out how to do it:

await page.waitFor(300);

The above code first selects the relevant input. I then set a wait because mine wasn't loading quick enough. Then I used keyboard presses to navigate down to the first option.

Solution 6 - Puppeteer doesn't always work for me and page.type is unreliable as well. Today I came up with:

await page.evaluate((css, text) => {
  let sel = document.querySelector(css)
  for(let option of [...document.querySelectorAll(css + ' option')]){
    if(text === option.text){
      sel.value = option.value
}, '#telCountryInput', 'my-value')

Solution 7 - Puppeteer

In pyppeteer, when select by text, i can do this :

Example page with fastapi server

    When run this example, recommend create a virtualenv by tools, like pipenv. And install dependencies.
    Install dependencies:
        pipenv install fastapi uvicorn python-multipart
    Run server:
        pipenv run python
        # pipenv run uvicorn --reload example:app
import logging

import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI, Form
from pydantic import BaseModel
from starlette.responses import HTMLResponse

HTML = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<form id="add" method="post" action="/add">
    <label for="title"></label>
    <input id="title" name="title">

    <label for="tag">Tag</label>
    <select id="tag" name="tag">

<button id="submit" onclick="submitHandle()">Submit</button>

    const submitHandle = () => {

console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

app = FastAPI()

class PostModel(BaseModel):
    title: str
    tag: str

def posts():
    return HTMLResponse(content=HTML)'/add')
def detail(title: str = Form(...), tag: str = Form(...)) -> PostModel:
    post = PostModel(title=title, tag=tag)'Add a blog. Detail: "{post.json()}"')
    return post

if __name__ == '__main__':  # noqa

Example python spider code

import asyncio
import logging

from pyppeteer import launch

console_handler = logging.StreamHandler()

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

async def post_spider():
    """Open page and add value in form, then submit."""
    browser = await launch(headless=False)
        page = await browser.newPage()
        await page.goto('')

        expect_value = 'python'

        title_element = await page.querySelector('#title')
        await title_element.type('I love python, and python love me.')

        # # If it does not work.
        # await'#tag', expect_value)

        tag_element = await page.querySelector('#tag')

        # #Extract all options value
        # options_text = await page.querySelectorAllEval(
        #     '#tag > option',
        #     'options => => option.value)'
        # )
        options_text = await tag_element.querySelectorAllEval(
            'options => => option.value)'

        # # Check expect value in options
        if expect_value in options_text:
            # # Use JavaScript set select element value that in options.
            await page.querySelectorEval('#tag', f'element => element.value = "{expect_value}"')

        tag_selected_value = await page.querySelectorEval('#tag', 'element => element.value')'Selected tag element value is "{tag_selected_value}"')

        submit_ele = await page.querySelector('#submit')

        await browser.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':


You can use evaluate a JavaScript to set one of options text to their select, if the text not in options, the select's value is not change.

This is python example, its use is similar to puppeteer and I would like to record it here to help more people.

My env:

  • Python: 3.10
  • pyppeteer: 0.2.6

Solution 8 - Puppeteer


Your idea is amazing, I extended the value attribute

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
<form id="add" method="post" action="/detail">
    <label for="title"></label>
    <input id="title" name="title">

    <label for="tag">Tag</label>
    <select id="tag">
        <option value="1">java</option>
        <option value="2">python</option>
        <option value="3">kotlin</option>

<button id="submit" onclick="submitHandle()">Submit</button>

    const submitHandle = () => {

        expect_value = '3'
        select_tag = '#tag'

        # extract all options value
        option_texts = []
        for option_ele in await page.querySelectorAll(f'{select_tag} > option'):
            text = await page.evaluate('(element) => ({"value":element.value,"text":element.textContent})', option_ele)

        value = ''
        for v in option_texts:
            if v.get('text') == expect_value:
                value = v.get('value')
        await, value)


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionX.CreatesView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PuppeteerzabocoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PuppeteerbambooomView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PuppeteerI.devriesView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PuppeteerX.CreatesView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PuppeteerMarkView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PuppeteerpguardiarioView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PuppeteerhuagangView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PuppeteerxiaoxinmiaoView Answer on Stackoverflow