How to select nth item inside select element in cypress


Cypress Problem Overview

say I have the HTML:

<select name="subject" data-testid="contact-us-subject-field">
  <option value="What is this regarding?">What is this regarding?</option>
  <option value="Partnerships">Partnerships</option>
  <option value="Careers">Careers</option>
  <option value="Press">Press</option>
  <option value="Other">Other</option>

Selecting an option with a known value, such as 'Careers' is as easy as:


How do I select the nth option in this field, regardless of its value?

Cypress Solutions

Solution 1 - Cypress


As pointed out by @dpstree in the comments, this doesn't answer the original question. Please see more recent answers for a complete solution.


By using eq

cy.get('tbody>tr').eq(0)    // Yield first 'tr' in 'tbody'
cy.get('ul>li').eq(4)       // Yield fifth 'li' in 'ul'

Solution 2 - Cypress

In the particular context of selecting the nth option, this may be appropriate:

cy.get('select[name=subject] > option')
  .then(element => cy.get('select[name=subject]').select(element.val()))

Solution 3 - Cypress

Based on solution from Miguel Rueda, but using prevSubject option:

  { prevSubject: 'element' },
  (subject, pos) => {
      .then(e => {




  • Using children('option') and .eq(pos) traverse children of select to specific element.
  • Call select method with value of selected element.

Solution 4 - Cypress

Update 2021

You can now select an option by index within the .select(index) command:

cy.get('select').select(0)        // selects by index (yields first option) ie "What is this regarding?"
cy.get('select').select([0, 1])   // select an array of indexes

This should be easy now with the release of cypress v8.5.0. See documentation for more.

Solution 5 - Cypress

I had the same problem and solved it by creating a custom cypress command. No as pretty as I would like, but it did the job.

Cypress.Commands.add("selectNth", (select, pos) => {
  cy.get(`${select} option +option`)
    .then( e => {

then I used in the test as such

    cy.viewport(375, 667)
      .selectNth("customSelector", 3)

The option +option part was the only way I could find to get the full list of options inside a select and it's currently the bit of code i'm trying to work arround although it works fine.

Solution 6 - Cypress

since the working answers are using then anyways, eq or something fancier is redundant with array indexing...

// to click on the 1st button
cy.get('button').then($elements => {cy.wrap($elements[0]).click();});
// to click on the 4th tr
cy.get('tr').then($elements => {cy.wrap($elements[3]).click();}); 
// to click on the last div:
cy.get('div').then($elements => {cy.wrap($elements[$elements.length - 1]).click();});

Solution 7 - Cypress

Find dropdown using ID or Class -

cy.get('#ID').contains("dowpdown placeholder or name").click();

After Click dropdown result dropdown element will popup, find that result ID or Class using inspect element, Then -


This will click on the first element of the dropdown.

Solution 8 - Cypress

Let's assume you wanna select 2nd option, you can do that simply by this

cy.get("select option").eq(2)

just keep in mind that cy.get() works like jquery's $().

Solution 9 - Cypress

Capture all the elements in the drop-down using a selector. Get the length. Use math.random() to randomly get a number. Select the option at the index.

cy.get("ul > li").as("options")
.then(len => Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(len)))
.then((index) => {


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionJD.View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - CypressArnaud PView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - CypressRobert K. BellView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - CypressTomáš EhrlichView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Cypresst_dom93View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - CypressMiguel RuedaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - CypressJoelle BouletView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - CypressPradnyesh patilView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - CypressAjay RawatView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - CypressGHULAM NABIView Answer on Stackoverflow