How to specify list parameters in WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe)?


Wcf Problem Overview

I am using WCF Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) for testing one of my wcf services. I have a message contract which has a list of DataContracts as : My message contract is as follows :

    public class UpdateInvoiceStatusesRequest 
        private List<InvoiceStatusHistory> _invoiceStatusHistory;

        [MessageBodyMember(Order = 0)]
        public List<InvoiceStatusHistory> InvoiceStatusHistory
            get { return _invoiceStatusHistory; }
            set { _invoiceStatusHistory = value; }

and my data contract is :

    public class InvoiceStatusHistory
        private int _invoiceId;
        private int  _status;
        private string _comment;
        private string _timeStamp;

        public int InvoiceId
            get { return _invoiceId; }
            set { _invoiceId = value; }

        public string Comment
            get { return _comment; }
            set { _comment= value; }

        public int Status
            get { return _status; }
            set { _status = value; }

        public string TimeStamp
            get { return _timeStamp; }
            set { _timeStamp = value; }

when i am using WcfTestClient.exe to test the service with UpdateInvoiceStatusesRequest message contract it shows the value of InvoiceStatusHistory as length = 0, now i don't know how can i add the objects of InvoiceStatusHistory in List<InvoiceStatusHistory> ? Does anyone has any idea about it, please help me?

Wcf Solutions

Solution 1 - Wcf

Type length=1 in the box. A + sign will appear next to the request parameter name. Click on it, then on the [0] node which indicates the first element in the array and set its values as usual.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionEmbedd_0913View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - WcfDarin DimitrovView Answer on Stackoverflow