LINQ OrderBy versus ThenBy


Linq Problem Overview

Can anyone explain what the difference is between:

tmp = invoices.InvoiceCollection
              .OrderBy(sort1 => sort1.InvoiceOwner.LastName)
              .OrderBy(sort2 => sort2.InvoiceOwner.FirstName)
              .OrderBy(sort3 => sort3.InvoiceID);


tmp = invoices.InvoiceCollection
              .OrderBy(sort1 => sort1.InvoiceOwner.LastName)
              .ThenBy(sort2 => sort2.InvoiceOwner.FirstName)
              .ThenBy(sort3 => sort3.InvoiceID);

Which is the correct approach if I wish to order by 3 items of data?

Linq Solutions

Solution 1 - Linq

You should definitely use ThenBy rather than multiple OrderBy calls.

I would suggest this:

tmp = invoices.InvoiceCollection
              .OrderBy(o => o.InvoiceOwner.LastName)
              .ThenBy(o => o.InvoiceOwner.FirstName)
              .ThenBy(o => o.InvoiceID);

Note how you can use the same name each time. This is also equivalent to:

tmp = from o in invoices.InvoiceCollection
      orderby o.InvoiceOwner.LastName,
      select o;

If you call OrderBy multiple times, it will effectively reorder the sequence completely three times... so the final call will effectively be the dominant one. You can (in LINQ to Objects) write


which would be equivalent to


as the sort order is stable, but you absolutely shouldn't:

  • It's hard to read
  • It doesn't perform well (because it reorders the whole sequence)
  • It may well not work in other providers (e.g. LINQ to SQL)
  • It's basically not how OrderBy was designed to be used.

The point of OrderBy is to provide the "most important" ordering projection; then use ThenBy (repeatedly) to specify secondary, tertiary etc ordering projections.

Effectively, think of it this way: OrderBy(...).ThenBy(...).ThenBy(...) allows you to build a single composite comparison for any two objects, and then sort the sequence once using that composite comparison. That's almost certainly what you want.

Solution 2 - Linq

I found this distinction annoying in trying to build queries in a generic manner, so I made a little helper to produce OrderBy/ThenBy in the proper order, for as many sorts as you like.

public class EFSortHelper
  public static EFSortHelper<TModel> Create<TModel>(IQueryable<T> query)
    return new EFSortHelper<TModel>(query);

public class EFSortHelper<TModel> : EFSortHelper
  protected IQueryable<TModel> unsorted;
  protected IOrderedQueryable<TModel> sorted;

  public EFSortHelper(IQueryable<TModel> unsorted)
    this.unsorted = unsorted;

  public void SortBy<TCol>(Expression<Func<TModel, TCol>> sort, bool isDesc = false)
    if (sorted == null)
      sorted = isDesc ? unsorted.OrderByDescending(sort) : unsorted.OrderBy(sort);
      unsorted = null;
      sorted = isDesc ? sorted.ThenByDescending(sort) : sorted.ThenBy(sort)

  public IOrderedQueryable<TModel> Sorted
      return sorted;

There are a lot of ways you might use this depending on your use case, but if you were for example passed a list of sort columns and directions as strings and bools, you could loop over them and use them in a switch like:

var query = db.People.AsNoTracking();
var sortHelper = EFSortHelper.Create(query);
foreach(var sort in sorts)
    case "Id":
      sortHelper.SortBy(p => p.Id, sort.IsDesc);
    case "Name":
      sortHelper.SortBy(p => p.Name, sort.IsDesc);
      // etc

var sortedQuery = sortHelper.Sorted;

The result in sortedQuery is sorted in the desired order, instead of resorting over and over as the other answer here cautions.

Solution 3 - Linq

if you want to sort more than one field then go for ThenBy:

like this

list.OrderBy(personLast => person.LastName)
            .ThenBy(personFirst => person.FirstName)

Solution 4 - Linq

Yes, you should never use multiple OrderBy if you are playing with multiple keys. ThenBy is safer bet since it will perform after OrderBy.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionDazManCatView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - LinqJon SkeetView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - LinqChris MoschiniView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - LinqAlexander ZaldostanovView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - LinqsummerGhostView Answer on Stackoverflow