Math operations with null


C# Problem Overview

Please explain why this test passes?

public void TestNullOps()
    Assert.That(10 / null, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(10 * null, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(10 + null, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(10 - null, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(10 % null, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(null / 10, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(null * 10, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(null + 10, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(null - 10, Is.Null);
    Assert.That(null % 10, Is.Null);

    int zero = 0;
    Assert.That(null / zero, Is.Null);

I don't understand how this code even compiles.

Looks like each math expression with null returns Nullable<T> (e.g. 10 / null is a Nullable<int>). But I don't see operator methods in Nullable<T> class. If these operators are taken from int, why the last assertion doesn't fail?

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

From MSDN:

The predefined unary and binary operators and any user-defined operators that exist for value types may also be used by nullable types. These operators produce a null value if the operands are null; otherwise, the operator uses the contained value to calculate the result.

That's why all the test are passed, including the last one - no matter what the operand value is, if another operand is null, then the result is null.

Solution 2 - C#

The operators for Nullable<T> are so-called "lifted" operators]; the c# compiler takes the operators available for T and applies a set of pre-defined rules; for example, with +, the lifted + is null if either operand is null, else the sum of the inner values. Re the last; again, division is defined as null if either operand is null - it never performs the division.

Solution 3 - C#

I tried seeing the generated code from the code below using reflector

var myValue = 10 / null;

And the compiler turns it into this:

int? myValue = null;

And this wont compile, so you cant trick it:

object myNull = null;
var myValue = 10 / myNull;

Solution 4 - C#

I would assume that the compiler converts zero to Nullable<int>, and provides the underlying division operator. Since the Nullable type may be null, the division by 0 is not caught during compile. Best guess is that they want you to be able to do null testing in cases where div/0 is occuring.

Solution 5 - C#

The operations in this list always return NULL:

1 + 2 + 3 + NULL

5 * NULL - 7

'Home ' || 'sweet ' || NULL

MyField = NULL

MyField <> NULL



All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionaltsoView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#AndreiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#Marc GravellView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#Martin Ingvar Kofoed JensenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - C#PolynomialView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - C#SohilView Answer on Stackoverflow