Newly Published App reporting Version as "Unknown" in iTunes Connect

App StoreApp Store-ConnectMac App-Store

App Store Problem Overview

New version of my app is 1.2. But in "Sales and Trends" in iTunes Connect I see "unknown" app version. Also new reviews not showing in App Store in "Current version" tab (only in all versions tab). What's wrong?

App Store Solutions

Solution 1 - App Store

I was having the same problem. I updated the latest version. I cleared out my browser history and cache and it is now working. If that doesn't work for you, try another browser. I usually use Chrome. Before clearing out Chrome's cache/history, I decided to try Safari. No luck. Then I tried Firefox and it worked there.

I've also noticed it can take several days for thing to update consistently across all the various pages. Like sales may not show anything for a recent week, but if I wait long enough and update/clear/etc, sales data shows.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionDmitry PrivalovView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - App StoreLawfulEvilView Answer on Stackoverflow