Pass NTLM with Postman


Postman Problem Overview

Is there a way to pass Windows Authentication with postman?

I have added this in header but still 401 Unauthorized.

Authorization: NTLM TkFcYWRtaW46dGVzdA==

As suggested by this link. I've encrypted as Unicode (UTF-16, little-endian) but of no use.

Any Ideas?

Postman Solutions

Solution 1 - Postman

I got this working by running Fiddler first.

  1. Run Fiddler (I'm using
  2. Fiddler Menu: Rule -> Automatically Authenticate = true
  3. Postman: Check that Authorization type = No Auth
  4. Browse api.

Solution 2 - Postman

you can use the the NTLM authorization exist in the Authorization tab same as this photo

enter image description here

Solution 3 - Postman

I don't think there is a way to do that. But, you are not alone in wanting it...

[EDIT] As of the addition of this edit, Postman has NTLM Authentication in beta in their most recent release.

Solution 4 - Postman

I suggest using insomnia. It's free and you can see the documentation on how to add NTLM Auth here:

Solution 5 - Postman

NTLM authentication does work with the Chrome plugin version of Postman, as the built-in Chrome NTLM authentication can be used with the plugin. However, plugins are no longer supported by Chrome, so this version can no longer be installed and used.

The current app version of Postman (both the Chrome app and native app versions) does not support NTLM authentication.

Solution 6 - Postman

I will improve upon Hala's answer as it is problematic due to storing credentials in the request and these might get persisted in a shared repository if one is used.

Clear credentials once a request has been successfully issued

One way is to enter the credentials - username, password and domain - make the request and remove them. Subsequent requests will work, probably due to using the same NTLM authentication header, as Postman will add a temporary Authorization header (blurred) that has a value like the following: NTLM some_base64_content

Use environment variables (or better global ones as suggested by SSS) to store sensitive data

Define an environment to use and configure it similar to this:

Configure environment

Use configured environment variables in the request:

Request authorization data

Solution 7 - Postman

You can also change internet options and set Logon to: Automatic logon with current user name and password

taken from:

if the website uses https you can add it to Trusted Sites and set it there, otherwise you can add it to local intranet sites and set Custom level... there.

Open internet options: Open internet options

Click Custom level... and scroll to bottom:

Click Custom level... and scroll to bottom

Solution 8 - Postman

This was added to the Postman application in 5.3.0. However, this support was broken in 5.4.1 and remained broken until 7.14.0 per Postman App issue #4355. Updating the app to a newer version of Postman should therefore allow using NTLM authentication.

Note that Postman currently only supports NTLMv1 authentication but not NTLMv2 per Postman App issue #8038.

Solution 9 - Postman

Postman now does NTLM on their desktop apps only.

Solution 10 - Postman

If you develop your API in C# you can use the following on your Base Controller

#if !DEBUG 


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionuser1618825View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - PostmanPabloBlamirezView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - PostmanHalaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - PostmanSpiralisView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - PostmanMoch YusupView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - PostmanM. JustinView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - PostmanAlexei - check CodidactView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - PostmanpajicsView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - PostmanM. JustinView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 9 - Postmanvelocity_distanceView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 10 - Postmanloona70View Answer on Stackoverflow