pgadmin 4 3.1 retiling data output panel

Pgadmin 4

Pgadmin 4 Problem Overview

In the Query Tool, when trying to raise or lower the border between Query Sql Editor and Data Output Panel it is very common that when you move the mouse over the Data Output panel's header it changes the vertical - horizontal arrow icon to a cross arrow changing Data Output panel from its default tiling to floating

What should I do to return the Data Output panel to its initial tiling mode?

In addition, Data Output panel once in floating window stops showing queries's results, it only shows the messages, I suppose it's 3.1's bug.

My solution so far is to save the query, close it and reopen it to recover its tiling mode

Cursor's disappearance problems have not been corrected in full

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Pgadmin 4 Solutions

Solution 1 - Pgadmin 4

In the pgadmin browser, click on the File menu and select reset layout.

Yes, will get all kinds of warnings, but the query tool returns to being useful.

Solution 2 - Pgadmin 4

I don't know in PgAdmin 4.3, but in 4.6 I found that way to re-arrange it.

First, right-click on somewhere to Add Panel -> Scratch Pad first to get a panel holder first (when clicking, notice the highlighted light blue space),


then right-click the lower half space to add another panel -> Scratch Pad at the lower half space (when clicking, notice the highlighted light blue space),.


After that, click on the tab and hold to drag and drop to where you want (when clicking, notice the highlighted light blue space).


Solution 3 - Pgadmin 4

I have pgadmin 4.15 and I found how to resolve this. On the upper left corner, click on File dropdown and then click on Reset Layout. It will ask to restart the application, click Ok.

Solution 4 - Pgadmin 4

No this is not a bug, those panels are meant to be floatable so that user can arrange the view as per their convince.

But yes user should have the option to lock the layout, and I see feature request for locking the layout is already in the pgadmin4 list. Hopefully, we will get it in the next future release. Ref:

------ UPDATE -----

  1. Now you can lock the layout in pgAdmin4 (File menu -> Lock layout) option

  2. To reset the panels to default position (File manu -> Reset Layout) option

------ UPDATE-2021 -----

This issue has been fixed, can you please check with pgAdmin4 v5.5 which is released on 15-july-2021.

Solution 5 - Pgadmin 4

Long press with left mouse button on title permits you to reposition the panel in layout

Solution 6 - Pgadmin 4

File dropdown >> Reset Layout (reload issue) this will reload but the changes/query will be lost. Better to store the query somewhere else before resetting layout


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionglicuadoView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Pgadmin 4DanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Pgadmin 4qamnottView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Pgadmin 4Muhammad AkhtarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Pgadmin 4Murtuza ZView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Pgadmin 4Alessandro BattistiniView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - Pgadmin 4MilanView Answer on Stackoverflow