Really trying to like CodeContracts in C#

C#Code Contracts

C# Problem Overview

I am finally playing catchup with everything new that has been added in to the .NET 3.5/4.0 Frameworks. The last few days I have been working with CodeContracts and I am really trying hard to like them. I am curious what other people think of the implementation of CodeContracts in C#? Specifically, how are people organizing things like Contract classes for interfaces, contract methods for Contract Invariants etc?

I like the validation that contracts provide, at first glance they look great. With a few simple lines I can get some nice build checking before I even run my code. Unfortunately, I am having a hard time getting over the feeling that the way that code contracts are implement in C#, they are cluttering up my code more than they are documenting contracts. And to take full advantage of contracts, I am littering my code with assumptions and asserts etc (which I know some will say is a good thing); but as some of my examples below will show, it turns a single simple line in to 4 or 5 lines, and doesn't really add sufficient value in my opinion over alternative approaches (i.e., asserts, exceptions etc).

Currently, my greatest frustrations are:

Interface Contracts:

  public interface IInterface
    Object Method(Object arg);

  internal abstract class IInterfaceContract
    private IInterfaceContract() { }

    Object IInterface.Method(Object arg)
      Contract.Requires(arg != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Object>() != null);
      return default(Object);

This feels like such a cludge to me, I wish there was a cleaner way to document requirements, either via attributes or some form of built in language support. The fact that I have to implement an abstract class that implements my interface, just so I can specify the contract seems tedious at best.

Code Bloat:


Requires several assumptions just to verify information that is readily available. I appreciate that all the analyzer knows is that it is operating on Type and thus must work on that limited knowledge, but it still frustrates me that a single line of code requires me to re-write as

var genericAction = typeof(Action<>);
Contract.Assume(genericAction.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1);


Just to keep things documented (yes I know I can use ContractVerificationAttribute to turn this off for a method/class etc, or SuppressMessageAttribbute to target specific messages, but that seems to defeat the purpose as your code would quickly become littered with suppressions etc.

In addition, taking a case like

  public class MyClass
    : IInterface
    private readonly Object _obj;

    public Object Property
        Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Object>() != null);
        return _obj;

    public MyClass(Object obj)
      Contract.Requires(obj != null);

      _obj = obj;

obj is required to be not null, and is set to a readonly field that cannot be changed, yet I am still required to add a "markup" method to my class so that my property requirement to not return null can be proven:

private void ObjectInvariant()
  Contract.Invariant(_obj != null);

There is more, but I figured I have probably ranted enough, and I would really appreciate the insight of people much smarter than me to help me "like" Code Contracts and make this feeling of code clutter go away. Any insight on how to better structure code, workaround wonkiness issues etc would be greatly appreciated.


C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

> This feels like such a cludge to me, I wish there was a cleaner way to document requirements, either via attributes or some form of built in language support.

The CC team have stated that using Attributes just isn't powerful enough, because you can't include things like lambdas in them. They could include things like [NotNull] but have chosen not to do so because they're trying to keep CC as general as possible.

One reason that CC is a library (rather than part of an extended C#) is that it is supported across all .NET languages.

You can read more about the team's reasoning here.

In terms of actually using this, so far I've just been keeping my interface contracts in the same file as the interface, which means it's all documented in the same place. It is something that should be improved upon :)

> Code Bloat [...]

Your second complaint is probably something that can be implemented -- I'd suggest posting it on the code contracts forum. (EDIT: Seems someone already has, but no answers yet.)

However, it will always be the case that under-specified contracts will need more assumptions surrounding them. If you run into a case like this in the .NET framework you can request that contracts be added in the Missing Contracts on Libraries thread.

> In addition, taking a case like [...]

This has been addressed. If you have an auto-property, you just have to add an non-null invariant and the pre-/post-conditions will be generated:

public class MyClass : IInterface
    private Object Property { get; set; }

    private void Invariants()
        Contract.Invariant(Property != null);

You'll probably end up with other invariants for your classes anyway, so it's not that big a deal.

Solution 2 - C#

Yeah, contracts clutter things up, but I feel like it's worth it when PEX reads the code contracts and generates 25 unit tests and 100% code coverage for me. If you haven't used PEX yet, then you're missing out on the biggest benefit of code contracts. Here's a starter guide for using PEX with contracts.

Solution 3 - C#

I really wanted to like it too, and went quite far with an implementation in a new project, until I gave up under the weight of small niggling issues I had with it.

I would love for Microsoft to resurrect Spec#. I know code contracts was written as a library to be available across languages, but even just the speed of static analysis cries out for compiler support.

This guy raises some of the same points:

Anyway, there was no one problem that was a deal-breaker, but an accumulation of irritations:

  • Static analysis is very slow. You can set it to run in the background, but then it's very easy to ignore.
  • Static analysis isn't great, for example:
    • It only handles simple control flow
    • It won't assume that readonly fields are invariant
    • Collections are not handled by the static checker (only runtime)
  • No delegate contracts
  • Doesn't work well with Resharper unless you actively suppress resharper warnings one way or another
    • Resharper is optimistic. It will assume a method parameter is not null, until you give it a hint that it might be - like Contract.Assume(thing != null)
  • Can generate a lot of warnings and suggestions, sometimes stemming from an ambiguous source.
    • The moment any team member lets their attention slip, the number of warnings would become overwhelming for everybody
  • The need to specify abstract contract classes for interfaces is pain.
  • Runtime contracts use IL rewriting, which apparently doesn't play well with other rewriting solutions like PostSharp (I think .
    • As a result of IL rewriting, edit-and-continue can't be used
  • Contracts stick very tightly to liskov substitution principle: Subtypes can never relax pre-conditions. I mean, good in principle, but I imagine it would be a pain when working with over-contracted 3rd party code.

Solution 4 - C#

If your are concerned about code bloat then I would encourage you to look at Aspect Oriented Programming as an alternative.

This will allow you to specify the contract in the aspect and then wrap any classes or methods of classes in the contract. If your contract is going to be used in more than one class then this would be a cleaner way to implement this.

Unfortunately the support for AOP in C# is not great but there are a couple of libraries that add this functionality.

And as I also have the same feeling towards other C# implementations as you have found with Contracts it all seems fine at first until you lift the hood and start using it in a serious fashion.

Solution 5 - C#

I have created a plugin for Visual Studio 2010 which can save you some time creating code contracts for interfaces and abstract classes:

Solution 6 - C#

Actually, I find the interface implementation great. It's not cluttering your interface or your regular code, and you can neatly store it in some folder in your solution, or in the same class file as your interface, whichever you like most.

Why are you required to add the object invariant? You are only required to add as much as you feel necessary.

I understand your point about code bloat, but I guess that's the trade-off with Code Contracts. Extra checks/security means extra codes, at least how it's currently implemented. I'd try to keep as much contracts as possible on the Interfaces, that should at least help you ease the code bloat pain.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionChris BaxterView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#porgesView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#Matt DotsonView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#AndyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - C#eaglestormView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - C#Jarek KardasView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - C#koenmetsuView Answer on Stackoverflow