Redis bind to more than one IP


Redis Problem Overview

In the redis.conf the normal setting is


I want redis to listen to another ip too (say my local development address)

I tried

bind, 123.33.xx.xx

but this does not work. I cannot find any relevant in the document or by googling. Hope someone can help.

Redis Solutions

Solution 1 - Redis

Binding to multiple IPs is indeed possible since Redis 2.8. Just separate each IP by whitespace (not commas).

bind 123.33.xx.xx

Source: Official default config

Solution 2 - Redis

This answer is not outdated and will work for both older and newer versions

The problem in understanding is that Redis binding doesn't show the client machine's address, but shows the interface through which connection should be established. In your example, if your local development (client) address is 123.33.xx.xx, it doesn't mean that you have to put exactly the same address as a binding, otherwise Redis service will not start.

So if ifconfig on your Redis server machine shows that you have some network interface similar to this:

eth0   Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0c:... 
       inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

you can put the interface's address as a binding and every request to Redis, which pass through this interface, should succeed.

Solution 3 - Redis


> --[ Redis 2.8 Release Candidate 1 (2.7.101) ] Release date: 18 Jul 2013

you can:

> * [NEW] Ability to bind multiple IP addresses.


Solution 4 - Redis

Edit: it seems that the correct way is, still, only one line and one or more IPs separated by space

This way:


Solution 5 - Redis

EDIT: This is an outdated answer. Please check newer answers for solution.

You cannot set redis to listen on specific multiple interfaces. If multiple interfaces are required just remove the bind line.

As @taro pointed out use firewall to restrict access.

Solution 6 - Redis

I tried finding that answer too, as it stands, it's not possible to do this, I found this while searching for the answer on multiple (but not all interfaces). This is what turned up stating it will not be supported by redis itself.

In conjunction with haproxy that makes it impossible to put it in front of redis in one go. You need to use a different port, or the other or choose to bind on 1 IP.

Solution 7 - Redis

The only way this worked for me, was by adding separate lines:

bind ::1

Solution 8 - Redis


Note, I have to put the first otherwise the 192.x will not be bound at system boot. However another systemctl restart redis will suffice -- might be a bug? (Debian 10 and Redis 5.0.3)

For macOS Homebrew installation, make sure you are editing /usr/local/etc/redis.conf instead of the template file: /usr/local/Cellar/redis/6.2.6/.bottle/etc/redis.conf


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
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