search for specific process name in htop


Htop Problem Overview

I would like to quickly find if my process is running by searching its name in htop. I could only find the PID or list all process one by one which not convenient.

Htop Solutions

Solution 1 - Htop

Press F3 or / and start typing in the process name to search: highlights closest matching result amongst all entries.


If you only want results matching your query to be shown, you could filter instead: press F4 or \ to filter

From the htop manual:

> F3, /: Incrementally search the command lines of all the displayed processes. The currently selected (highlighted) command will update as you type. While in search mode, pressing F3 will cycle through matching occurrences. > > F4, \: Incremental process filtering: type in part of a process command line and only processes whose names match will be shown. To cancel filtering, enter the Filter option again and press Esc.



All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionHerve MeftahView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - HtopSteve E.View Answer on Stackoverflow