The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage

C#Type Inference

C# Problem Overview

Maybe I'm overworked, but this isn't compiling (CS0411). Why?

interface ISignatur<T>
    Type Type { get; }

interface IAccess<S, T> where S : ISignatur<T>
    S Signature { get; }    
    T Value { get; set; }

class Signatur : ISignatur<bool>
    public Type Type
        get { return typeof(bool); }

class ServiceGate
    public IAccess<S, T> Get<S, T>(S sig) where S : ISignatur<T>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

static class Test
    static void Main()
        ServiceGate service = new ServiceGate();
        var access = service.Get(new Signatur()); // CS4011 error

Anyone an idea why not? Or how to solve?

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

Get<S, T> takes two type arguments. When you call service.Get(new Signatur()); how does the compiler know what T is? You'll have to pass it explicitly or change something else about your type hierarchies. Passing it explicitly would look like:

service.Get<Signatur, bool>(new Signatur());

Solution 2 - C#

Kirk's answer is right on. As a rule, you're not going to have any luck with type inference when your method signature has fewer types of parameters than it has generic type parameters.

In your particular case, it seems you could possibly move the T type parameter to the class level and then get type inference on your Get method:

class ServiceGate<T>
    public IAccess<S, T> Get<S>(S sig) where S : ISignatur<T>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Then the code you posted with the CS0411 error could be rewritten as:

static void Main()
    // Notice: a bit more cumbersome to write here...
    ServiceGate<SomeType> service = new ServiceGate<SomeType>();

    // ...but at least you get type inference here.
    IAccess<Signatur, SomeType> access = service.Get(new Signatur());

Solution 3 - C#

Now my aim was to have one pair with an base type and a type definition (Requirement A). For the type definition I want to use inheritance (Requirement B). The use should be possible, without explicite knowledge over the base type (Requirement C).

After I know now that the gernic constraints are not used for solving the generic return type, I experimented a little bit:

Ok let's introducte Get2:

class ServiceGate
	public IAccess<C, T> Get1<C, T>(C control) where C : ISignatur<T>
		throw new NotImplementedException();

	public IAccess<ISignatur<T>, T> Get2<T>(ISignatur<T> control)
		throw new NotImplementedException();

class Test
	static void Main()
		ServiceGate service = new ServiceGate();
		//var bla1 = service.Get1(new Signatur()); // CS0411
		var bla = service.Get2(new Signatur()); // Works

Fine, but this solution reaches not requriement B.

Next try:

class ServiceGate
	public IAccess<C, T> Get3<C, T>(C control, ISignatur<T> iControl) where C : ISignatur<T>
		throw new NotImplementedException();


class Test
	static void Main()
		ServiceGate service = new ServiceGate();
		//var bla1 = service.Get1(new Signatur()); // CS0411
		var bla = service.Get2(new Signatur()); // Works
		var c = new Signatur();
		var bla3 = service.Get3(c, c); // Works!! 

Nice! Now the compiler can infer the generic return types. But i don't like it. Other try:

class IC<A, B>
    public IC(A a, B b)
        Value1 = a;
        Value2 = b;

    public A Value1 { get; set; }

    public B Value2 { get; set; }

class Signatur : ISignatur<bool>
    public string Test { get; set; }

    public IC<Signatur, ISignatur<bool>> Get()
        return new IC<Signatur, ISignatur<bool>>(this, this);

class ServiceGate
    public IAccess<C, T> Get4<C, T>(IC<C, ISignatur<T>> control) where C : ISignatur<T>
        throw new NotImplementedException();

class Test
	static void Main()
		ServiceGate service = new ServiceGate();
		//var bla1 = service.Get1(new Signatur()); // CS0411
		var bla = service.Get2(new Signatur()); // Works
		var c = new Signatur();
		var bla3 = service.Get3(c, c); // Works!!
		var bla4 = service.Get4((new Signatur()).Get()); // Better...

My final solution is to have something like ISignature<B, C>, where B ist the base type and C the definition...

Solution 4 - C#

As I mentioned in my comment, I think the reason why this doesn't work is because the compiler can't infer types based on generic constraints.

Below is an alternative implementation that will compile. I've revised the IAccess interface to only have the T generic type parameter.

interface ISignatur<T>
    Type Type { get; }

interface IAccess<T>
    ISignatur<T> Signature { get; }
    T Value { get; set; }

class Signatur : ISignatur<bool>
    public Type Type
        get { return typeof(bool); }

class ServiceGate
    public IAccess<T> Get<T>(ISignatur<T> sig)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

static class Test
    static void Main()
        ServiceGate service = new ServiceGate();
        var access = service.Get(new Signatur());

Solution 5 - C#

I wanted to make a simple and understandable example

if you call a method like this, your client will not know return type

var interestPoints = Mediator.Handle(new InterestPointTypeRequest
                LanguageCode = request.LanguageCode,
                AgentId = request.AgentId,
                InterestPointId = request.InterestPointId,

Then you should say to compiler i know the return type is List<InterestPointTypeMap>

var interestPoints  = Mediator.Handle<List<InterestPointTypeMap>>(new InterestPointTypeRequest
                LanguageCode = request.LanguageCode,
                AgentId = request.AgentId,
                InterestPointId = request.InterestPointId,
                InterestPointTypeId = request.InterestPointTypeId

the compiler will no longer be mad at you for knowing the return type

Solution 6 - C#

I received this error because I had made a mistake in the definition of my method. I had declared the method to accept a generic type (notice the "T" after the method name):

protected int InsertRecord<T>(CoasterModel model, IDbConnection con)

However, when I called the method, I did not use the type which, in my case, was the correct usage:

int count = InsertRecord(databaseToMigrateFrom, con);

I just removed the generic casting and it worked.

Solution 7 - C#

For those who are wondering why this works in Java but not C#, consider what happens if some doof wrote this class:

public class Trololol : ISignatur<bool>, ISignatur<int>{
    Type ISignatur<bool>.Type => typeof(bool);
    Type ISignatur<int>.Type => typeof(int);

How is the compiler supposed to resolve var access = service.Get(new Trololol())? Both int and bool are valid.

The reason this implicit resolution works in Java likely has to do with Erasure and how Java will throw a fit if you try to implement an interface with two or more different type arguments. Such a class is simply not allowed in Java, but is just fine in C#.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionBenView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#Kirk WollView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#Dan TaoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#BenView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - C#Dr. Wily's ApprenticeView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - C#Hamit YILDIRIMView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - C#ScottStoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - C#BrainStorm.exeView Answer on Stackoverflow