TSLint : variable name must be in camelcase or uppercase


Typescript Problem Overview

I have some variable names starting with leading underscore , I still get this warning after updating my tslint.json


  "extends": "tslint:recommended",
  "rules": {
    "variable-name": [
  "exclude": [

where am I wrong ?

thanks for feedback


I am using version 4.5.1 of TSLint

Typescript Solutions

Solution 1 - Typescript

You can solve the problem by editing your tslint.json and adding "allow-leading-underscore" to the "variable-name" array of your "rules".

// tslint.json contents
  // ...
  "rules": {
    // ...
    "variable-name": [
      // ...
  // ...

Solution 2 - Typescript

I have updated tslint.json, configured the file and added optional arguments to the array of variable-name.

>"allow-leading-underscore" allows underscores at the beginning (only has an effect if “check-format” specified) > > "allow-pascal-case" allows PascalCase in addition to lowerCamelCase. > > "allow-snake-case" allows snake_case in addition to lowerCamelCase. > >"allow-trailing-underscore" allows underscores at the end. (only has an effect if “check-format” specified)

  // ...
  "rules": {
    "variable-name": [
  // ...

You can configure tslint.json according to your requirements.

This link might be helpful. https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/variable-name/

Solution 3 - Typescript

You can solve the problem by editing your tslint.json and adding all this properties to the "variable-name" :

"variable-name": {
  "options": [


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionuser762579View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - TypescriptLeonardo VenosoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - TypescriptShankView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - TypescriptAissaDevLabView Answer on Stackoverflow