Typescript - multidimensional array initialization

Multidimensional ArrayTypescript

Multidimensional Array Problem Overview

I'm playing with Typescript and I wonder, how to properly instantiate and declare multidimensional array. Here's my code:

class Something {
    private things: Thing[][];

    constructor() {
        things = [][]; ??? how instantiate object ???
        for(var i: number = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            this.things[i] = new Thing[];   ??? how instantiate 1st level ???
            for(var j: number = 0; j< 10; j++) {
                this.things[i][j] = new Thing();   ??? how instantiate 2nd lvl item ???

Can you give me any hint about selected places?

Multidimensional Array Solutions

Solution 1 - Multidimensional Array

You only need [] to instantiate an array - this is true regardless of its type. The fact that the array is of an array type is immaterial.

The same thing applies at the first level in your loop. It is merely an array and [] is a new empty array - job done.

As for the second level, if Thing is a class then new Thing() will be just fine. Otherwise, depending on the type, you may need a factory function or other expression to create one.

class Something {
    private things: Thing[][];

    constructor() {
        this.things = [];

        for(var i: number = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            this.things[i] = [];
            for(var j: number = 0; j< 10; j++) {
                this.things[i][j] = new Thing();

Solution 2 - Multidimensional Array

Here is an example of initializing a boolean[][]:

const n = 8; // or some dynamic value
const palindrome: boolean[][] = new Array(n)
                                   .map(() => 
                                     new Array(n).fill(false)

Solution 3 - Multidimensional Array

If you want to do it typed:

class Something {
  areas: Area[][];

  constructor() {
	this.areas = new Array<Array<Area>>();
	for (let y = 0; y <= 100; y++) {
	  let row:Area[]  = new Array<Area>();      
	  for (let x = 0; x <=100; x++){
		row.push(new Area(x, y));

Solution 4 - Multidimensional Array

You can do the following (which I find trivial, but its actually correct). For anyone trying to find how to initialize a two-dimensional array in TypeScript (like myself).

Let's assume that you want to initialize a two-dimensional array, of any type. You can do the following

const myArray: any[][] = [];

And later, when you want to populate it, you can do the following:

myArray.push([<your value goes here>]);

A short example of the above can be the following:

const myArray: string[][] = [];
myArray.push(["value1", "value2"]);

Solution 5 - Multidimensional Array

Beware of the use of push method, if you don't use indexes, it won't work!

var main2dArray: Things[][] = []


gives only a 1 line array!


main2dArray[0] = someTmp1dArray
main2dArray[1] = someOtherTmp1dArray

to get your 2d array working!!!

Other beware! foreach doesn't seem to work with 2d arrays!


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionFkaView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Multidimensional ArrayPuppyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Multidimensional Arraytechguy2000View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Multidimensional ArrayRMuesiView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Multidimensional ArraygeocfuView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Multidimensional ArrayPipoView Answer on Stackoverflow