What does placing a @ in front of a C# variable name do?


C# Problem Overview

I've been working with some C# legacy code and I've been seeing a lot of @ symbols in front of variable names. What does this signify or do?

Currently I'm seeing it a lot in front of variables with common names that aren't reserved. E.g.:

MyProcedure(@step.LoadInstanceId, @step.ResultCode, @step.StatusCode);

Given that step isn't a reserved word, is there any reason that they should be escaped?

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

It's just a way to allow declaring reserved keywords as vars.

void Foo(int @string)

Solution 2 - C#

It allows you to use a reserved word, like 'public' for example, as a variable name.

string @public = "foo";

I would not recommend this, as it can lead to unecessary confusion.

Solution 3 - C#

Putting @ in front of a string tells the compuler not to process escape sequences found within the string.

From the documentation:

The advantage of @-quoting is that escape sequences are not processed, which makes it easy to write, for example, a fully qualified file name:

@"c:\Docs\Source\a.txt"  // rather than "c:\\Docs\\Source\\a.txt"

To include a double quotation mark in an @-quoted string, double it:

@"""Ahoy!"" cried the captain." // "Ahoy!" cried the captain.

Another use of the @ symbol is to use referenced (/reference) identifiers that happen to be C# keywords. For more information, see 2.4.2 Identifiers.

Solution 4 - C#

This escapes reserved words in C#.

Solution 5 - C#

The @ sign is used with identifiers that are the same as language keywords. There are two main uses for this

  • interoperating with non-C# code. In languages like VB or IronPython the keywords are not the same as in C# and they may have declared classes and properties with names that match C# keywords. If this feature was not present this code would not be accessible in C#.
  • machine generated code. If a code generator generates code based on some external source (for example WSDL) the generator can just prefix all identifiers with @ and not check and convert identifiers that match C# keywords.

Are you sure that your case is not the second?

Solution 6 - C#

The original question asks for a reason why one would escape a not-reserved word. What comes to my mind is that if step would become a reserved word in future the code example would still compile. I guess it is also a valid option for code generators.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionOrion AdrianView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#ripper234View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#rg01View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#Gabe HollombeView Answer on Stackoverflow
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Solution 5 - C#StilgarView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - C#mkleinView Answer on Stackoverflow