What does 'predicate' mean in the context of computer science?

Computer Science

Computer Science Problem Overview

Specifically I've seen it used in the context of text filtering. As if "predicate" == "filter criteria".

Is this accurate?

Computer Science Solutions

Solution 1 - Computer Science

A predicate ('PRED-i-cat') is the part of a sentence that contains the verb and tells you something about the subject.

For instance, in the sentence

"Mike is eating", we have the subject, 'Mike', and the predicate, 'is eating'.

In the context of computer science, we aren't interested in stating a fact, but rather, in testing a true/false condition for the purpose of deciding whether to do something.

Person mike;

if (!mike.isEating())

The isEating() member of mike (an instance of Person) is a predicate. It returns true or false for the assertion that the person (mike in this case) is eating. The predicate is being used to decide whether or not to feed the person.

Predicates are often found in the form of callbacks, but in general we can use the term for any function that returns a bool based on evaluation of the truth of an assertion.

For sorting, might want have the member function

bool Fruit::ComesAfter(Fruit x) ...

as our predicate. If x comes after us, our sorting algorithm will swap the two fruits.

There's also the term predicate (predi-KATE). In English we use it like this:

"Graduation is predicated upon attainment of passing grades."

It means one thing depends on another.

In computer science, we use this form of the word to describe conditional execution.

For instance, in CUDA programming, there are assembly instructions whose execution we can predicate (KATE) on a prior result. That is, you set a predicate (CAT) flag that, if true, causes the instruction to be executed, and if false, causes the instruction to be treated as a NOP. Thus the execution of the instruction is predicated upon the indicated predicate flag.

The uses are very similar.

Hope that helps.

Solution 2 - Computer Science

It is a term most commonly used in the field of Mathematical Logic.

From wikipedia

>In mathematics, a predicate is either a relation or the boolean-valued function that amounts to the characteristic function or the indicator function of such a relation. > >A function P: X→ {true, false} is called a predicate on X. When P is a predicate on X, we sometimes say P is a property of X.

. >"predicate" == "filter criteria"

Solution 3 - Computer Science

The word comes from logic.

A predicate is an "is" boolean question about the inputs.

"IsNull" is a predicate question.

Also, wikipedia link about Predicates in Math.

Solution 4 - Computer Science

A predicate is a statement about something that is either true or false.

Solution 5 - Computer Science

Just to simplify things . predicate is a function that return a true or false value based on some condition.

it's used as a "filter criteria" meaning lets consider an array of numbers and a predicate that returns true if number > 0 , false other wise .

function predicate(number){
  return number > 0 
// array of numbers 
var numbers = [-2 , -1 , 0 , 1 , 2];

var newNumbers = numbers.filter(predicate);

// newNumbers => [1 , 2] ;

filter is a function that returns a new array based on a predicate ( or a "filter criteria". )

it has filtered the array based on the value of predicate

  • true : include value
  • false : don't include it

Solution 6 - Computer Science


  • either definitely set to true or false
  • not dependent on values of the parameters
  • e.g.
    • "x+2=2x, when x = -2" => true
    • "2*2=5" => false


  • truth value depends on the parameter's value
  • e.g.
  • "x+2=2x" => truth value is unknown and is dependent on the value of x

Use quantifiers to transform predicate to proposition:

  • ∃x∈Z (x+2=2x) "There exists a x in the set of integers such that x+2=2x"

Solution 7 - Computer Science

Predicate is a function that takes one element as input parameter and return either true or false. Predicates are used in higher order functions, applied to a given function(a.k.a transformer) element-wise to a list of elements and returns a list of results. Transformer is a function applies to each element and will produce one or more new elements.


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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionackView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - Computer Sciencecwm9View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - Computer SciencePrasoon SauravView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - Computer SciencePaul NathanView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - Computer ScienceBradleyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - Computer ScienceAhmed EidView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - Computer ScienceJeanieJView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - Computer ScienceRemarioView Answer on Stackoverflow