What is the difference of pairs() vs. ipairs() in Lua?

For LoopLua

For Loop Problem Overview

In a for loop, what is the difference between looping with pairs() and ipairs()? This page uses both: [Lua Docs][1]

With ipairs():

a = {"one", "two", "three"}
for i, v in ipairs(a) do
  print(i, v)


1	one
2	two
3	three

With pairs():

a = {"one", "two", "three"}
for i, v in pairs(a) do
  print(i, v)


1	one
2	two
3	three

You can test it here: [Lua Demo][2]

[1]: https://www.lua.org/pil/4.3.5.html "Lua Docs" [2]: https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo

For Loop Solutions

Solution 1 - For Loop

pairs() and ipairs() are slightly different.

  • pairs() returns key-value pairs and is mostly used for associative tables. key order is unspecified.
  • ipairs() returns index-value pairs and is mostly used for numeric tables. Non numeric keys in an array are ignored, while the index order is deterministic (in numeric order).

This is illustrated by the following code fragment.

> u={}
> u[1]="a"
> u[3]="b"
> u[2]="c"
> u[4]="d"
> u["hello"]="world"
> for key,value in ipairs(u) do print(key,value) end
1	a
2	c
3	b
4	d
> for key,value in pairs(u) do print(key,value) end
1	a
hello	world
3	b
2	c
4	d

When you create an tables without keys (as in your question), it behaves as a numeric array and behaviour or pairs and ipairs is identical.

a = {"one", "two", "three"}

is equivalent to a[1]="one" a[2]="two" a[3]="three" and pairs() and ipairs() will be identical (except for the ordering that is not guaranteed in pairs()).

Solution 2 - For Loop

There is no array-type in Lua, only tables which might have consecutive elements starting from index 1.

The generic for-loop, in contrast to the numeric for-loop, expects three values:

  1. A callable
  2. A context-value it passes on
  3. An initial index-value

It calls the callable with context-value and index-value, storing all the returned values in the provided new variables. The first one is additionally saved as the new index-value.

Now some representative examples of callables for the loop:

  1. ipairs(t) returns a function, the table t, and the starting-point 0.
    The function is the moral equivalent to:

     function ipairs_next(t, i)
         i = i + 1
         var v = t[i]
         if v ~= nil then
             return i, v

Thus, all numeric entries starting at 1 until the first missing one are shown.

  1. pairs(t) either delegates to t's metatable, specifically to __pairs(t), or returns the function next, the table t, and the starting-point nil. next accepts a table and an index, and returns the next index and the associated value, if it exists.

Thus, all elements are shown in some arbitrary order.

  1. There are no limits to how creative one can be with the function, and that is what vanilla Lua expects.
    See "*https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23350281/bizzare-attempt-to-call-a-table-value-in-lua*" for an example of a user-written callable, and how some dialects react if the first value is not actually a callable.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionuser11071538View Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - For LoopAlain MerigotView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - For LoopDeduplicatorView Answer on Stackoverflow