Where IN clause in LINQ


C# Problem Overview

How to make a where in clause similar to one in SQL Server?

I made one by myself but can anyone please improve this?

    public List<State> Wherein(string listofcountrycodes)
        string[] countrycode = null;
        countrycode = listofcountrycodes.Split(',');
        List<State> statelist = new List<State>();

        for (int i = 0; i < countrycode.Length; i++)
                 from states in _objdatasources.StateList()
                 where states.CountryCode == countrycode[i].ToString()
                 select new State
                    StateName  = states.StateName                    
        return _states;

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

This expression should do what you want to achieve.

dataSource.StateList.Where(s => countryCodes.Contains(s.CountryCode))

Solution 2 - C#

This will translate to a where in clause in Linq to SQL...

var myInClause = new string[] {"One", "Two", "Three"};

var results = from x in MyTable
              where myInClause.Contains(x.SomeColumn)
              select x;
// OR
var results = MyTable.Where(x => myInClause.Contains(x.SomeColumn));

In the case of your query, you could do something like this...

var results = from states in _objectdatasource.StateList()
              where listofcountrycodes.Contains(states.CountryCode)
              select new State
                  StateName = states.StateName
// OR
var results = _objectdatasource.StateList()
                  .Where(s => listofcountrycodes.Contains(s.CountryCode))
                  .Select(s => new State { StateName = s.StateName});

Solution 3 - C#

I like it as an extension method:

public static bool In<T>(this T source, params T[] list)
    return list.Contains(source);

Now you call:

var states = _objdatasources.StateList().Where(s => s.In(countrycodes));

You can pass individual values too:

var states = tooManyStates.Where(s => s.In("x", "y", "z"));

Feels more natural and closer to sql.

Solution 4 - C#

public List<Requirement> listInquiryLogged()
    using (DataClassesDataContext dt = new DataClassesDataContext(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ApplicationServices"].ConnectionString))
        var inq = new int[] {1683,1684,1685,1686,1687,1688,1688,1689,1690,1691,1692,1693};
        var result = from Q in dt.Requirements
                     where inq.Contains(Q.ID)
                     orderby Q.Description
                     select Q;

        return result.ToList<Requirement>();

Solution 5 - C#

The "IN" clause is built into linq via the .Contains() method.

For example, to get all People whose .States's are "NY" or "FL":

using (DataContext dc = new DataContext("connectionstring"))
    List<string> states = new List<string>(){"NY", "FL"};
    List<Person> list = (from p in dc.GetTable<Person>() where states.Contains(p.State) select p).ToList();

Solution 6 - C#

from state in _objedatasource.StateList()
where listofcountrycodes.Contains(state.CountryCode)
select state

Solution 7 - C#

This little bit different idea. But it will useful to you. I have used sub query to inside the linq main query.


Let say we have document table. Schema as follows schema : document(name,version,auther,modifieddate) composite Keys : name,version

So we need to get latest versions of all documents.


 var result = (from t in Context.document
                          where ((from tt in Context.document where t.Name == tt.Name
                                orderby tt.Version descending select new {Vesion=tt.Version}).FirstOrDefault()).Vesion.Contains(t.Version)
                          select t).ToList();

Solution 8 - C#

public List<State> GetcountryCodeStates(List<string> countryCodes)
    List<State> states = new List<State>();
    states = (from a in _objdatasources.StateList.AsEnumerable()
    where countryCodes.Any(c => c.Contains(a.CountryCode))
    select a).ToList();
    return states;


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
Questionpriyanka.sarkarView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#Daniel BrücknerView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#Scott IveyView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#nawfalView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - C#LibertineView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 5 - C#nikmd23View Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 6 - C#AndrijaView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 7 - C#LakshView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 8 - C#SivaView Answer on Stackoverflow