Why does this code give a "Possible null reference return" compiler warning?

C#Nullable Reference-Types

C# Problem Overview

Consider the following code:

using System;

#nullable enable

namespace Demo
    public sealed class TestClass
        public string Test()
            bool isNull = _test == null;

            if (isNull)
                return "";
                return _test; // !!!

        readonly string _test = "";

When I build this, the line marked with !!! gives a compiler warning: warning CS8603: Possible null reference return..

I find this a little confusing, given that _test is readonly and initialised to non-null.

If I change the code to the following, the warning goes away:

        public string Test()
            // bool isNull = _test == null;

            if (_test == null)
                return "";
                return _test;

Can anyone explain this behaviour?

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

I can make a reasonable guess as to what's going on here, but it's all a bit complicated :) It involves the null state and null tracking described in the draft spec. Fundamentally, at the point where we want to return, the compiler will warn if the state of the expression is "maybe null" instead of "not null".

This answer is in somewhat narrative form rather than just "here's the conclusions"... I hope it's more useful that way.

I'm going to simplify the example slightly by getting rid of the fields, and consider a method with one of these two signatures:

public static string M(string? text)
public static string M(string text)

In the implementations below I've given each method a different number so I can refer to specific examples unambiguously. It also allows all of the implementations to be present in the same program.

In each of the cases described below, we'll do various things but end up trying to return text - so it's the null state of text that's important.

Unconditional return

First, let's just try to return it directly:

public static string M1(string? text) => text; // Warning
public static string M2(string text) => text;  // No warning

So far, so simple. The nullable state of the parameter at the start of the method is "maybe null" if it's of type string? and "not null" if it's of type string.

Simple conditional return

Now let's check for null within the if statement condition itself. (I would use the conditional operator, which I believe will have the same effect, but I wanted to stay truer to the question.)

public static string M3(string? text)
    if (text is null)
        return "";
        return text; // No warning

public static string M4(string text)
    if (text is null)
        return "";
        return text; // No warning

Great, so it looks like within an if statement where the condition itself checks for nullity, the state of the variable within each branch of the if statement can be different: within the else block, the state is "not null" in both pieces of code. So in particular, in M3 the state changes from "maybe null" to "not null".

Conditional return with a local variable

Now let's try to hoist that condition to a local variable:

public static string M5(string? text)
    bool isNull = text is null;
    if (isNull)
        return "";
        return text; // Warning

public static string M6(string text)
    bool isNull = text is null;
    if (isNull)
        return "";
        return text; // Warning

Both M5 and M6 issue warnings. So not only do we not get the positive effect of the state change from "maybe null" to "not null" in M5 (as we did in M3)... we get the opposite effect in M6, where the state goes from "not null" to "maybe null". That really surprised me.

So it looks like we've learned that:

  • Logic around "how a local variable was computed" isn't used to propagate state information. More on that later.
  • Introducing a null comparison can warn the compiler that something it previously thought wasn't null might be null after all.

Unconditional return after an ignored comparison

Let's look at the second of those bullet points, by introducing a comparison before an unconditional return. (So we're completely ignoring the result of the comparison.):

public static string M7(string? text)
    bool ignored = text is null;
    return text; // Warning

public static string M8(string text)
    bool ignored = text is null;
    return text; // Warning

Note how M8 feels like it should be equivalent to M2 - both have a not-null parameter which they return unconditionally - but the introduction of a comparison with null changes the state from "not null" to "maybe null". We can get further evidence of this by trying to dereference text before the condition:

public static string M9(string text)
    int length1 = text.Length;   // No warning
    bool ignored = text is null;
    int length2 = text.Length;   // Warning
    return text;                 // No warning

Note how the return statement doesn't have a warning now: the state after executing text.Length is "not null" (because if we execute that expression successfully, it couldn't be null). So the text parameter starts as "not null" due to its type, becomes "maybe null" due to the null comparison, then becomes "not null" again after text2.Length.

What comparisons affect state?

So that's a comparison of text is null... what effect similar comparisons have? Here are four more methods, all starting with a non-nullable string parameter:

public static string M10(string text)
    bool ignored = text == null;
    return text; // Warning

public static string M11(string text)
    bool ignored = text is object;
    return text; // No warning

public static string M12(string text)
    bool ignored = text is { };
    return text; // No warning

public static string M13(string text)
    bool ignored = text != null;
    return text; // Warning

So even though x is object is now a recommended alternative to x != null, they don't have the same effect: only a comparison with null (with any of is, == or !=) changes the state from "not null" to "maybe null".

Why does hoisting the condition have an effect?

Going back to our first bullet point earlier, why don't M5 and M6 take account of the condition which led to the local variable? This doesn't surprise me as much as it appears to surprise others. Building that sort of logic into the compiler and specification is a lot of work, and for relatively little benefit. Here's another example with nothing to do with nullability where inlining something has an effect:

public static int X1()
    if (true)
        return 1;

public static int X2()
    bool alwaysTrue = true;
    if (alwaysTrue)
        return 1;
    // Error: not all code paths return a value

Even though we know that alwaysTrue will always be true, it doesn't satisfy the requirements in the specification that make the code after the if statement unreachable, which is what we need.

Here's another example, around definite assignment:

public static void X3()
    string x;
    bool condition = DateTime.UtcNow.Year == 2020;
    if (condition)
        x = "It's 2020.";
    if (!condition)
        x = "It's not 2020.";
    // Error: x is not definitely assigned

Even though we know that the code will enter exactly one of those if statement bodies, there's nothing in the spec to work that out. Static analysis tools may well be able to do so, but trying to put that into the language specification would be a bad idea, IMO - it's fine for static analysis tools to have all kinds of heuristics which can evolve over time, but not so much for a language specification.

Solution 2 - C#

The nullable flow analysis tracks the null state of variables, but it does not track other state, such as the value of a bool variable (as isNull above), and it does not track the relationship between the state of separate variables (e.g. isNull and _test).

An actual static analysis engine would probably do those things, but would also be "heuristic" or "arbitrary" to some degree: you couldn't necessarily tell the rules it was following, and those rules might even change over time.

That's not something we can do directly in the C# compiler. The rules for nullable warnings are quite sophisticated (as Jon's analysis shows!), but they are rules, and can be reasoned about.

As we roll out the feature it feels like we mostly struck the right balance, but there are a few places that do come up as awkward, and we'll be revisiting those for C# 9.0.

Solution 3 - C#

You have discovered evidence that the program-flow algorithm that produces this warning is relatively unsophisticated when it comes to tracking the meanings encoded in local variables.

I have no specific knowledge of the flow checker's implementation, but having worked on implementations of similar code in the past, I can make some educated guesses. The flow checker is likely deducing two things in the false positive case: (1) _test could be null, because if it could not, you would not have the comparison in the first place, and (2) isNull could be true or false -- because if it could not, you would not have it in an if. But the connection that the return _test; only runs if _test is not null, that connection is not being made.

This is a surprisingly tricky problem, and you should expect that it will take a while for the compiler to attain the sophistication of tools that have had multiple years of work by experts. The Coverity flow checker, for example, would have no problem at all in deducing that neither of your two variations had a null return, but the Coverity flow checker costs serious money for corporate customers.

Also, the Coverity checkers are designed to run on large codebases overnight; the C# compiler's analysis must run between keystrokes in the editor, which significantly changes the sorts of in-depth analyses you can reasonably perform.

Solution 4 - C#

All the other answers are pretty much exactly correct.

In case anyone's curious, I tried to spell out the compiler's logic as explicitly as possible in https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/36927#issuecomment-508595947

The one piece that's not mentioned is how we decide whether a null check should be considered "pure", in the sense that if you do it, we should seriously consider whether null is a possibility. There are a lot of "incidental" null checks in C#, where you test for null as a part of doing something else, so we decided that we wanted to narrow down the set of checks to ones that we were sure people were doing deliberately. The heuristic we came up with was "contains the word null", so that's why x != null and x is object produce different results.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionMatthew WatsonView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - C#Jon SkeetView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - C#Mads Torgersen - MSFTView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - C#Eric LippertView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 4 - C#Andy GockeView Answer on Stackoverflow