Write values in app.config file


C# Problem Overview

can anyone please help me how can I set/store values in the app.config file using c#, is it possible at all?

C# Solutions

Solution 1 - C#

Try the following code:

    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
    config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("YourKey", "YourValue");

It worked for me :-)

Solution 2 - C#

On Framework 4.5 the AppSettings.Settings["key"] part of ConfigurationManager is read only so I had to first Remove the key then Add it again using the following:

Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);

config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("MySetting", "some value");


Don't worry, you won't get an exception if you try to Remove a key that doesn't exist.

This post gives some good advice

Solution 3 - C#

private static string GetSetting(string key)
    return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];

private static void SetSetting(string key, string value)
    Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
    configuration.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;
    configuration.Save(ConfigurationSaveMode.Full, true);

Solution 4 - C#

If you are using App.Config to store values in <add Key="" Value="" /> or CustomSections section use ConfigurationManager class, else use XMLDocument class.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <add key="server" value="\xxx"/>
    <add key="database" value="DataXXX"/>
    <add key="username" value="userX"/>
    <add key="password" value="passX"/>

You could use the code posted on CodeProject

Solution 5 - C#

As others mentioned, you can do this with ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Settings. But: Using Settings[key] = value will not work if the key doesn't exist.
Using Settings.Add(key, value), if the key already exists, it will join the new value to its value(s) separated by a comma, something like <add key="myKey" value="value1, value2, value3" />

To avoid these unexpected results, you have to handle two scenario's

  • If entry with the given key exists? then update its value
  • if entry with the given key doesn't exist? then create new entry(key,value)


public static void Set(string key, string value)
	var config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

	var entry = config.AppSettings.Settings[key];
	if (entry == null)
		config.AppSettings.Settings.Add(key, value);
		config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;


For more info about the check entry == null, check this post.
Hope this will help someone.

Solution 6 - C#

For a .NET 4.0 console application, none of these worked for me. So I used the following below and it worked:

private static void UpdateSetting(string key, string value)
    Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.
    configuration.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;


Solution 7 - C#

string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("settings.app.config");

var map = new ExeConfigurationFileMap { ExeConfigFilename = filePath };
    // Open App.Config of executable
    Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(map, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);

    // Add an Application Setting if not exist
        config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("key1", "value1");
        config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("key2", "value2");

    // Save the changes in App.config file.

    // Force a reload of a changed section.
catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ex)
    if (ex.BareMessage == "Root element is missing.")

Solution 8 - C#

Yes you can - see ConfigurationManager

> The ConfigurationManager class > includes members that enable you to > perform the following tasks: > > - Read and write configuration files as a whole.

Learn to use the docs, they should be your first port-of call for a question like this.

Solution 9 - C#

Try the following:

Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);            
config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;

Solution 10 - C#

//if you want change
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
config.AppSettings.Settings[key].Value = value;

//if you want add
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(Application.ExecutablePath);
config.AppSettings.Settings.Add("key", value);

Solution 11 - C#

I struggled with this for a while and finally figured it out on my own. I didn't find any help at the time, but wanted to share my approach. I have done this several times and used a different method than what is above. Not sure how robust it is, but it has worked for me.

Let's say you have a textbox named "txtName", a button named "btnSave" and you want to save the name so the next time you run your program the name you typed appears in that textbox.

  1. Go to Project>Properties>Settings and create a setting -
  • name = "Name"
  • type = "string"
  • scope = "user"
  • value you can leave blank.

Save your settings file.

  1. Go to your form where textbox and button exist. Double click your button and put this code in;
    //This tells your program to save the value you have to the properties file (app.config);
    //"Name" here is the name you used in your settings file above.
    Properties.Settings.Default.Name = txtName.txt;
    //This tells your program to make these settings permanent, otherwise they are only
    //saved for the current session
  1. Go to your form_load function and add this in there;
    //This tells your program to load the setting you saved above to the textbox
    txtName.txt = Properties.Settings.Default.Name;
  1. Debug your application and you should see the name you typed in.
  2. Check your application debug directory and you should see a .config file named after your program. Open that with a text editor and you will see your settings.

Notes -

  • "Name" refers to the actual name of the setting you created.
  • Your program will take care of creating the actual XML file, you don't have to worry about it.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

The content on this page is licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) license.

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