Xcode letters beside files in Project Navigator


Xcode Problem Overview

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What are the significance of the letters beside the files in the Project Navigator? (e.g M,A)

Xcode Solutions

Solution 1 - Xcode

Those letters beside files in the Project Navigator of Xcode show the status of files that are under version control systems, such as SVN or Git. So, for instance:

  • M - means the file has changed and it should be merged into SCM
  • A - means this is a new file and should be added to SCM
  • U - means this is a newer version of a file on SCM and you need to update it
  • ? - means the file has not been added to source control
  • etc...

P.S. You can find list of statuses (at least for SVN) here

Solution 2 - Xcode

A - Added (This is a new file that has been added to the repository)

C - Conflict (There is a conflict in the file)

D - Deleted (a file has been deleted)

M - Modified (An existing file has been changed)

R - Renamed (The file has been renamed)

U - Untracked (The file is new or has been changed but has not been added to the repository yet)

Solution 3 - Xcode

Well, my project is not part of source control, yet the same icons are there. So there must be more to it.

UPDATE: Bacalso Vincent is correct, I did enable GIT on creating the project. I had completely forgotten about that though.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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Content TypeOriginal AuthorOriginal Content on Stackoverflow
QuestionVincent BacalsoView Question on Stackoverflow
Solution 1 - XcodeVladimirView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 2 - XcodeGeoView Answer on Stackoverflow
Solution 3 - XcodeLeanderView Answer on Stackoverflow