Xcode won't start, stuck on 'Verifying "Xcode"...'


Xcode Problem Overview

I've installed Xcode on a mac and when I try to start it I get a little window open saying 'Verifying Xcode' with a status bar scrolling across, anyone got a fix rather than reinstalling?

Xcode Solutions

Solution 1 - Xcode

If you don't want to wait forever, this might help:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine '/Applications/Xcode.app'

Solution 2 - Xcode

Running a command to get through Gatekeeper sounds like the way to go, since you downloaded it from a trusted source. This is a common occurrence when installing large bundles in Mac OS X. Basically, Gatekeeper examines your entire bundle, making sure that there is no suspicious code. This is one of the many things that keeps Mac OS X as secure as it is. You have two options:

1: Give it time.


2: Manually tell Gatekeeper "It's okay, this is from a trusted source". How do we do this? Well, first fire up the Terminal and navigate to your Xcode.app folder. (Or type in cd and drag-and-drop Xcode from your applications folder), then hit enter. Next, run the command:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode.app

Now, be careful getting past Gatekeeper if whatever you are installing is even slightly from an untrusted source, or else you introduce a security risk to your computer. In my case, opening new versions of Xcode quickly is the only time I will ever run that command.

Solution 3 - Xcode

> anyone got a fix rather than me reinstalling?

For anyone else seeing a very long "Verifying Xcode" phase, just give it time. The indeterminate progress bar stays up there for a long time (tens of minutes) while Gatekeeper looks at the (very large) Xcode bundle to make sure that it's legit. Eventually, you'll get the familiar message along the lines of "This application was downloaded from the Internet. Do you want to continue?" Or, if the bundle doesn't check out, you'll of course get a message to that effect.

Solution 4 - Xcode

Almost every answer here recommends running xattr -d on the file. This deletes the file's extended attributes (like com.apple.quarantine) so OSX will not run the verification phase. You should only do this as an absolute last resort if at all. Apple explicitly recommends leaving Gatekeeper enabled to validate your version of Xcode after XcodeGhost malware was spread to popular iOS apps via infected versions of Xcode.

If you're stuck trying unarchive an Xcode beta .xip archive, try this:

  1. Open the Archive Utility app. (Open Finder by hitting ⌘+spacebar and type "Archive Utility")
  2. Choose File->Expand Archive and select the Xcode archive.

Solution 5 - Xcode

I had same issue. Quick fix is to open terminal from application or type terminal in spotlight and enter below command.

cd /Applications - This will move to applications directory where Xcode is present

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode.app - This will bypass Gatekeeper in OS X and will launch Xcode quickly

Note: If you have changed name of Xcode (say Xcode7-1) then you should enter ... Xcode7-1.app command. Refer screenshot

Screenshot for command

Solution 6 - Xcode

open terminal -

1.Type cd drag drop your xcode (for path) then enter

2.next xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode.app enter

agree for terms and condition

Solution 7 - Xcode

For Xcode 8: To skip the verifying process on El Capitan for Xcode 8, download Xcode 8 at the developer downloads page, then open terminal.

Following this, type

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine

Then drag your xcode 8 download into your terminal window. It should look like this:

Xcode 8 installation image

Solution 8 - Xcode

A lot of talk here about exempting Xcode-beta.app from Gatekeeper, but for me, I had to make the .xip file exempt.

I placed Xcode_8_beta_6.xip into /Applications, then in Terminal, changed directory to /Applications and ran:

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode_8_beta_6.xip

Then double clicked the .xip to get it to unpack.

Solution 9 - Xcode

running xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode.app worked like a charm. Waiting on the "verifying xcode" didn't work, as it never completed.

Solution 10 - Xcode

Also you can remove Open Warning for entire directory Applications via the command in the terminal:

xattr -d -r com.apple.quarantine ~/Applications

Solution 11 - Xcode

it's work for me:

open Terminal cd to path Xcode.app
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode.app

Solution 12 - Xcode

You can try the command:

xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /your_path_to_xcode/Xcode.app

If you do not use -r, you will have to run the same command for the iOS simulator later on. I am not sure what other executables are hidden in this bundle and are quarantined.

If you have time, the recommended method is to leave the verification to complete so that everything is verified properly.

Solution 13 - Xcode

I had the same issue (Macbook Pro, Mid 2015, OS X 10.11.15) and was able to fix it without using the terminal to bypass Gatekeeper:

  1. Trash all previously downloaded versions of the file and empty the trash. (If you haven't emptied your trash in forever this may take a long time. You can selectively delete the offending .xip files manually to save time.) I found multiple instances that would not delete because they were currently in use.

  2. Restart your computer. Now you should be able to delete any .xip files in the trash without issue.

  3. Download the Xcode8 beta again (don't stream media while doing this to save on time and packet loss.) and open it.

  4. If this doesn't do the trick, open up terminal and follow one of the answers above.

Solution 14 - Xcode

Run the following command making sure this is your Xcode's location on the system & replace the xcode name with actual name which code be xcode2 or Xcode 3 incase if you have more versions of Xcode on your machine.. All the best ..

xattr -d com.apple.quarantine Xcode.app

Solution 15 - Xcode

Just wait for process to get over with.. sometimes it takes longer than the usual time but ends up showing the alert boxes for next process! sit back let it finish. :)

Solution 16 - Xcode

If you are not logged in to Xcode try logging in with any Apple account.


All content for this solution is sourced from the original question on Stackoverflow.

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